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  1. R

    Cubase SX2 System Requirements ?

    I'm in the process of buying a PC to use Cubase SX 2. Can any one tell me the system requirements for this (I want to use rewire with reason aswell, if that makes any difference). Thanks
  2. R

    Tascam 424 mk111

    I have discovered a problem with my Tascam 424 mk111. I will record on Track 1 and then press stop and then disarm the track by putting it in safe mode. I will then arm track 2 and press play. (I can here my recorded stuff on track 1 because i have it switched to tape) But when I press record...
  3. R

    Tascam 424 mk111 Problem...

    I have discovered a problem with my Tascam 424 mk111. I will record on Track 1 and then press stop and then disarm the track by putting it in safe mode. I will then arm track 2 and press play. (I can here my recorded stuff on track 1 because i have it switched to tape) But when I press record...
  4. R

    Head Cleaner + Demagnetizer UK

    I went on a search today to my 'Local' Maplin Electronics shop to try and buy some cleaning fluids and a demagnetizer to clean my Tascam 424 mk111. The only thing i could find was one of those consumer packs with a cleaning/demagnetizing cassette and a tube of liquid which does god knows...
  5. R

    Tascam 424 mk111 Capstan Problem...

    I bought a Tascam 424 mk111 from ebay a few months ago but didn't get round to using it properly till today. Everything seemed ok with the unit untill I noticed that when I stop the tape and even take it out, this little pin thing (i think its called the Capstan) keeps turning. The only way to...
  6. R

    Patchbay Settings Help...

    Could someone please explain to me the whole "Normalled, Half - Normalled, Parallel" thing on patchbays. I just got one and am using everything open because its the only way i understand. I've read up about it on the net but most of the explanations are fairly indepth and too technical...
  7. R


    Can I use unbalanced patch leads on a balanced patchbay? Also Which is better, the Behringer PX1000 48 Patch bay or The Behringer PX2000 and why? Thanks.
  8. R

    Syncronising 2 Tape machines?

    Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to sycronise tape machines, say a Tascam 424 Mk111 and a 488 mk11. I have used midi timecode before sycronsing a digital multi-tracker with my computer but i'm lost with analoge. I'm presuming that if it is possible then i will need some form of external...