Search results

  1. P

    USB hub suggestions

    My macbook only has 2 ports. I need a good 4port hub. I'd like to hear back from those who have used any with audio gear and what not, just to be safe from buying some crappy ones. thanks!
  2. P

    MIC pre suggestions?

    Through my school's discount, I can get about 15-30% off at our local music store and I'm hoping to get some reviews on some decent pre-amps that run for $300-500. So far I've been recording with my mbox2 and my mackie 1402 but was wondering if a couple of hundred bucks could give me a better...
  3. P

    MIC for Vocals only...Suggestions?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to buy a new MIC to record just my vocals. I currently own an MXL 2001 :) , but I know what better quality MICs can bring to the table. For now I'm seriously thinking of getting an sE 2200. I'm also considering an AKG414, due to it's awesome reviews, but additional...
  4. P

    Mapping M-Audio Axiom 49?

    Hey everyone. Can someone please tell or show me how to map the sliders, transport buttons and knobs with Logic Pro? I have the Enigma software but I'm a MIDI dummie and any kind of help would really help! Thanks
  5. P

    M-Audio Axiom-49 issues!!!

    Hello everyone...I've owned the Axiom-49 for about a week now and i'm having issues. I'm running it through Reason 2.0 and I have the trigger pads sending sounds into ReDrum but it won't sequence, only play. Is it an issue with the Enigma software? Or a software issue?
  6. P

    Midi Controller Suggestions???

    I'm looking to spend $200-250 on a midi controller. Right now, i'm considering the M-Audio Axiom 49 keys but I was wondering if anyone on here has any other suggestions or maybe have had experience with the Axiom?
  7. P

    Virtual Triton rack for Reason???

    I've seen it on Craigslist but no where else. Is there really a Virtual Korg Triton plug-in for Reason?
  8. P

    Suggestions for my setup

    Whattup folks? I'm currently running my Mackie 1402 into my E-MU 0404. I will be receiving an mbox2 as a gift and was wondering how you go about setting it up? I was thinking of selling the E-MU to gather some dough to buy a nice mic. Should I keep the E-MU or give it up? :confused: