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  1. A

    Yoga D606

    Anyone ever used one of these? Looks pretty identical to a Sennheiser e604, but I wanna know if it sounds the same. If it does...hey, bargain :D Cheers.
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    Beta 57

    Any opinions on this mic? I quite like it on vox, but I've heard some people say they don't like it. Anyone ever used it on toms? Cheers.
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    Behringer desks...(here we go again)

    I'm a newbie to this particular forum, but I like to think I know my gear (I work at a pro sound hire company and use 'real' desks every day). I have a couple of pretty simple requests for info, regarding the Behringer MX8000/MX8000A/MX9000 desks. I know, Behringer desks suck ass, the power...