Search results

  1. J

    Soundcraft mixers...

    Just got done looking through a Sweetwater catalog for a simple mixer with a lot of XLR ins/pres for the least amount of dough. So far I found a Soundcraft Spirit E12, looks like a good deal. Anybody know anything about their mixers? I plan on using this as a way of recording some drums for a...
  2. J

    complete list

    Ok, I had the other post about this stuff, and here's the complete list. No xlr or 1/4" cables since I will make them myself. PowerMac G5 dual 2.0 $2,999.99 DigiDesign 002R $1,199.97 Mackie HR824a (2) $1,399.88...
  3. J

    Home Project Studio gear list...

    Ok so yeah, I've posted this in the Studio Building forum and we got off into some other discussion, lol. So I figured I would post it where it belongs. So this is a list of the stuff I'm getting for a little home project studio to record very simple stuff at first. Mostly acoustic guitars and...
  4. J

    Mics for acoustic guitars and vocals....

    Ok, so I need two microphones. Both condensor, or one condensor one ribbon, whatever. Combination has to be under $2k or like just above it ($2,100US). I need one that is fantastic for vocals, and that can be used on acoustic guitars and stringed instruments (cello, etc.), and I need one that is...
  5. J

    Project studio for home

    Alright, in my band we have three guitarists, all on acoustics, one of them sings. We also have a cello player, two violinists, a viola player, and an upright bass. I want to do a little project studio that would be capable of recording our stuff. SO here is a list of things I *think* I should...
  6. J

    Bussing and such...

    Ok, I'm new to recording technically...I have an MBox with PTLE 6.4 and I need some answers on a couple of things. How do I bus out two guitar tracks so that I can run the same eq on both of them at the same time? Would I just bus them to an Aux track that has the plug-in(s) on it or...