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  1. D

    Harddisk to midi convert please help

    OK, so you MIDI guys have been around for years and you don't realize that us hard disk recording folks are not up to par. I have recently seen the error of my ways and need a little advise. And yes, I have read the facs. I have a Mackie DB8 which supports SMPTE (and I guess midi as there are...
  2. D

    sonusman, gimmie advice

    OK, I went back a read some of your posts. This is to you and any other real recording engineers out there. Let me start with my gear: Mackie DB8 Neumann 149 Focusrite green compressor very good guitars (Taylors 9** acoustic and Les Paul Customs) Kurtzweil with VirusB etc. blah blah OK, I...
  3. D

    OK, off of Cher and onto NIN vocals

    OK, so we all agree that the Cher vocal blows and she can't sing. (btw, I heard on the radio that the engineer said he did it becasue she was sooo off). Anyway, In the new song Starfu*kers of "The Fragile", there is a very cool vocal effect. This should NOT be confused with the Cher crap. It...