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  1. Track Rat

    Tracking From Afar

    My son lives in Texas and I'm in Missouri. So I set him up with 16 tracks of Behringer and Reaper and now we can do shit. He did the drums and keys, I did guitar and bass and one of my best friends sang ( I did some harmony). Here Comes The Sun
  2. Track Rat

    Kaotica EyeBall?

    Anyone have hands on experience with the Kaotica EyeBall? What's it made of? How much isolation? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. Track Rat

    From The Basement

    Third meeting of the minds. This was a call out and no forethought. I'm 66 and thinking about another band. Geezus.....
  4. Track Rat

    Drunk Posting

    My humble apologies. Just missing old friends.
  5. Track Rat

    Peace Of Mind

    What a long story. My VERY long time best friend and drummer/bandmate passed away a few months back. I had setup a decent recording kit in his house and we had been recording there for years. His widow asked me to keep going in her home to honor Dave. How could I say no. So I have assembled some...
  6. Track Rat

    A Tribute To A Friend

    My best friend passed away yesterday. A gentleman named Dave Agnew. A professional musician and my friend. I've logged more time in front of an audience and a microphone with this gentleman than any other human. When we first got together, he was involved with a group at the VA comprised of...
  7. Track Rat

    Some Original Material For A Change

    Some spontaneous jamage that we turned into a song. Waddaya think?
  8. Track Rat

    Sunday Jams

    Two Sundays ago. The night before I worked a recording gig at The Pageant in St Louis tracking an SRV Tribute show and ended up with Covid. Fast forward I just got around to listening to our weekend jam. The vocals are distorted (my fault) cause the MD441 don't have tons of gain and we were...
  9. Track Rat


    I've always been a GHS Boomer guy. And all my local spots don't carry them anymore. What's a mother to do? So today I'm trying something new. I hate change.
  10. Track Rat

    More Noise

    Myself and my usual crew of misfits. It's getting harder to get together as we're all pretty much a geriatric collection of fossils. Anyways this is how we annoyed the neighbors last Sunday.
  11. Track Rat


    Something sorta out of my wheel house. Did this for a friend. Light jazz vibe. Waddaya think?
  12. Track Rat

    Just Shut Up And Dance

    Think "The BatMan Dance"
  13. Track Rat

    I Believe It's True

    Old stuff WAS better. We've been going down the rabbit hole of music from the 60's. This Hollies tunes has always haunted me. I just love this shit.
  14. Track Rat

    Weekend Therapy

    My good friend and LONG time band mate Dave Agnew just interrupted our weekend jamming schedule with a hospital stay which scared the shit out of me. I'm running out of people who can tolerate me. So when they kicked him out the door we naturally got together and played Surf music since this is...
  15. Track Rat

    All My New Gear In One Place

    New mic preamps, new ribbon mic on my guitar, hell, new guitars. My buddy Dave the drummer complains I'm in my Tom Petty phase. I care not.
  16. Track Rat

    Whats Goin On

    More Guerilla Recording. Did this recently in a friends basement Whats Goin On
  17. Track Rat


    Spent the day doing some experimentation with the process of getting a multitrack into a stereo pair. Traditionally for the last 20 years or so I've been mixing on my hybrid system which was computer>MOTU2408mkII>Alesis HD24>Tascam M-3500. I really like this system as I can use plugins and...
  18. Track Rat


    Did this one a few years ago. I did this with my son and a one of my best friends who was going thru some turmoil at the time. It was therapeutic for him at the time. Fast forward and now that I've lost my family when I hear this tune it takes on a whole new and profound meaning for me anyways...
  19. Track Rat

    Some Doors

    More weekend fun with the kids. The new Royer on overheads. Kind of a long listen as it's two tunes segued into one. I love doing this shit on the weekends. Something to look forward to.
  20. Track Rat

    Just For Fun

    Just a weird time in my life. It beats the fuck outta fishing