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  1. DrDos40

    Hello everyone.

    My name is D. Jay Thompson. I was involved in sound but it was over 40 years ago, remember when we all wanted to be rock stars? Well I'm retired now and even though I studied for while at Headen West studios in Shamburg ILL. that was 40 years ago and my memory is not as sharp as it was. So, now...
  2. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    I can't find any Aux/send outs on this monitor mixer. I think they only put them on the Soundcraft Live board. Is there any other way (besides using the 200ohm headphone jack) to get a signal to the fax return. I have one RCA jack to 1/4" for the in and the same for the out. I need at least 150...