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  1. R

    Roland JV vs. Sound Canvas

    Can anyone explain the basic differences between the JV modules and the Sound Canvas modules? thanks
  2. R

    proteus 2000 vs. Roland JV modules

    I Would be very interested in opinions regarding the quality of the orchestral voices found on the E-mu Proteus 2000 as opposed to the Roland JV series. (I have a JV 1010 with the orch espansion card, the quality of which seems better than the older E-mu Proteus 2.) I am aware that the new E-mu...
  3. R

    Roland JV-1010 & Cakewalk PA9

    I am having a complete failure in communications between Cakewalk PA9 and the Orchestral I expansion card in my Roland JV-1010. I have the rest of the instrument on friendly terms with Cakewalk but the expansion card refuses to accept the patches I have defined in Cakewalk. Any suggestions? thanks
  4. R

    Cakewalk PA9 vs. Roland JV1010

    I cannot get my Roland JV1010 to take instructions from Cakewalk PA9. The Roland IS a listed instrument which I have loaded but, other than basic note information, I cannot get instrument performance info to read properly; i.e. using the symphony template, if I attempt to specify other than GM...