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  1. S

    Managing Projects: One Song Per?

    So I've done both ways: One song per project or one big ole project. I like the one big project because I generally do quick demo type stuff and the bands want a uniform sound throughout so I get the basic setup during mixdown and just do the small tweaks from there. Problem I run into is the...
  2. S

    Latest Project: Post Hardcore? Heavy Emo? The two "rough demo" are the one I did. They aren't done yet, some parts need retrackign and there are more vocals but this is they direction I'm heading with this band. The other one is from their CD that they recorded at a different studio.
  3. S

    Looking for ideas on layout.

    I've attached a floor plan of my area currently. In the room to the left there is a wall that comes from the left most wall partly in to the center that is definitely going but where I have "control room" currently. I mostly track bands and haven't had any big problems realyl but as I get...
  4. S

    Splitting mic cables and phantom power.

    For recording live shows I would like to just intercept the mics that the FOH is using anyway. Can I use just a Y cable? If so... what about phantom power? If I'm looking at this the wrong way could someone please point me in the proper direction?
  5. S

    Needing a rack.... maybe building my own?

    I've been looking around but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Basically I want an SKB Gig-Rig but it isn't deep enough. My computer case is 21" deep. The SKB only holds 17"' Gator has one that is deep enough (22") but it's only 8U and has no casters. The caster add-on is a platform...
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    1 PCI slot (total) Thkning abotu upgrading.

    I've got a Shuttle PC and ended up with the model that has only one PCI slot. I've got an M-Audio Delta 1010LT right now and would like to expand the number of analog inputs (the only ones I really use). Obviously the simple answer is a firewire device but none that I've seen seem to have a...
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    Indie Rock We just started on an EP last night and this is the first run through. The performance is rough in a few places so we're going to re-track it but I think we were all happy with the sound. The...
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    his last chance, Close and Comfortable
  9. S

    Noise on Delta 1010LT

    Input 3 on my M-Audio Delta 1010LT is making strange noises once it's recorded. Sort of a weird robotic sounding effect to it. This is not present when listening through the monitor mixer but is when recorded through SONAR. I switched out cables, pres and mics and the only consistent item is...
  10. S

    Some indie rock.

    I was playing with some different mic setups. This is not a whole song, no vocals yet.