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  1. cellardweller

    2 gb cf card for Ol' Red....

    2 gb compactflash... <$9! Pretty sure I payed in the neighborhood of $120 for a 512 mb cf card for my MR8. What a difference a few years make....
  2. cellardweller

    CRC Electronics Cleaner

    Long's it hangin' HR doods? Is it safe to use CRC QD Electronics Cleaner (Hexane, Petroleum Distillate...) on/around the circuit board of my amp? Last I changed the tubes, I used the "tuner cleaner" from Radio Shack, which contains some type of lubricant. It's left behind a kinda...
  3. cellardweller

    Dimarzio .vs Seymour Duncan (Shingle Rectumfrier)

    I've had my Mesa Solo 50 head (v.2) mothballed for a while, but let 'er off the chain this week. I plugged in my Schecter C7 (w/Seymour Duncan JB ...I think) and it sounded like complete butt. I then plugged in the ol Ibanez w/ Dimarzio evolution PU and it sounded MUCH...
  4. cellardweller

    Phantom power = 48 volts...right?

    Phantom power is defined as 48 volts...right? So, why does my Mackie 808m supply only 15 volts? ![/I] Hell...they mention the 15V phantom like it's some FEATURE here...
  5. cellardweller

    Small Marshall extension cab (1x10)

    So I bust open this little marshall cab that's been sitting in a corner for 10 years and discover it has a celestion G10D-25 (16 ohms/25 watt?:confused:) in it. I have a little shitty 15 watt Crate amp that the speaker sounds like complete ass (imagine that) @ 4 ohms (so I assume the Crate...
  6. cellardweller

    Too much cab?

    I'm thinking about getting an Avatar 4x12 that has four Vintage 30s at 240 watts. Primarily I would be using my Mesa single rectumfrier (50 watts) through it, but I'd also occasionally plug in my Crate 120 watt amp as well... It's not too much cab for a 50 watt tube amp, is it? :confused:
  7. cellardweller

    My Mom uses N-tracks!

    Not's just too quiet in here!
  8. cellardweller

    Frankenamp and impedance

    I'm poor and I need more volume! I have an Ampeg combo gutted (it's fried), and I am (hopefully) going to use it as an "extension" cab for a Crate, but I am going to disconnect the two speakers in the Crate (blown), and instead plug in the celestion currently in the gutted Ampeg. The Celestion...
  9. cellardweller

    4x12 cab grill

    I have an ancient peavey 4x12 cab I'm hoping to be able to use. I say "hoping" because last night at practice (first practice with this "project") it sounded like putrified pig pussy, and I'm fearing a blown speaker. I'm heading over to scout it out in a minute, but was wondering what you guys...
  10. cellardweller

    Another basement ceiling question

    Not sure if anyone remembers my previous thread; As previously posted, I have plenty of 2x4's, which I am going to use between my basement "ceiling"/floor joists, and the drywall which I am going to secure to it. (floor...
  11. cellardweller

    What's the 'N' in "N-tracks" stand for anyway?

    Nordic? New? Northern? Negative? Nectanabus?
  12. cellardweller

    Who's still using N-tracks besides me?

    C'mon y'all...chime in with your cheap brethren here... Holla werdz and let a brutha feel the N-love!
  13. cellardweller

    Soundtech Q310 Mono 31-band EQ

    Is this thing a hunk of shit, or might it actually be of use? Can't find anything identical on ebay. No, I have not even powered it up yet, but it's been loaned to me to see if it might be of use w/guitar/vocals or whatever....
  14. cellardweller

    How well will this work (basement ceiling)?

    I need to isolate a portion of my basement to the best of my abilities. I currently have a bunch of 2x4's to work with, some paneling, some drywall, couple rolls of insulation,etc... put insulation rolls up between 14 inch gaps on ceiling run 2x4's perpendicular to existing floor supports...
  15. cellardweller

    How easy would it be?

    How easy would it be to blow a speaker running my 50 watt Shingle Rectumfrier head into an Avatar 2x12 w/V30's? Never really considered it as I've always had both 2x12's available....:confused: If I push more than the 60 watts per speaker, I risk damage...right? How can I safely guesstimate...
  16. cellardweller

    Tube amp ~ Switching cab's on standby?

    Since supposedly only the heaters are on when an amp is switched to standby, is it true then that it is safe to switch cab's when the amp is on standby?
  17. cellardweller

    ...thought I'd let you know....

    I'm still using Ntracks. Just thought I'd let you know that.
  18. cellardweller

    Spider III-HD75

    It says it has a "Recording quality line out". I wonder if it's complete garbage for DI recording.... Anyone ever use one of these? I'm in need of a backup amp, I'm extremely poor, and I could also use the...
  19. cellardweller

    Limited patience...and time.

    Ntrack has recently decided to make my life hell, so I decided to give reaper a shot. I downloaded it to this computer, played with it a bit, then burned it to a cd and threw it on my recording 'puter. I can't even get it to play a .wav/.mp3?:confused: I had no troubles doing so on THIS...
  20. cellardweller

    Digitech GSP1101?

    Anyone here own one or had a chance to play with one? Has Digitech finally got it right? They're raving about them over at the Boogie Board Someone over there also said that the only place they're dissing them is at the Line6 forum (go figure)...