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  1. G

    Repetitive noise when recording

    Hi, Got a problem with a repetitive noise when recording guitar. It's like a road drill banging away in the distance. Please see attached file which shows the noise frequencies. The guitar is connected to an external Soundcraft mixer via a Behringer DI box and then to PC Windows XP/Cubase 4 The...
  2. G

    Panning identical mono tracks

    I know that panning identical tracks 100% L & R isn't a good idea due to phasing issues. If I delay one channel by 10 ms or so and pan both to 80 or 90% would that work ok? In this case it's a heavy guitar track. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  3. G

    [SOLVED] haas effect query

    I'm trying out the 'Haas Effect' and continually get confused over mono & stereo. I have a mono track which I make a copy of. I then delay one track by 30ms. and pan the tracks hard L & R. The left panned track is loud as it's mono. Nothing in the right panned track. What am I missing here...
  4. G

    Cubase 4 graphics problems

    I've been running C4 for a few years now but recently the graphics seem to be playing up. Bits & pieces of one window will appear over the top of the current one, or things will be out of line etc. Any ideas what could cause this please? I was thinking of a reinstall but would like to avoid that...
  5. G

    Lost VST3 presets

    Hi, I've just copied my PC hard drive onto a new drive and everything is fine except that my VST3 presets are missing. I've checked the folders and there are files there but I have no way of knowing if anything is actually missing. I'm running Cubase 4 Any advice would be appreciated hoping I...