Search results

  1. 3

    Remixing: tools for tempo/beat matching

    I'm looking for a good article (or 1st hand knowledge) about how people approach remixing and to begin with identifying the tempo/beat: I heard that there are tools out there that allow you to tap along with the beat so you can identify the right tempo?, e.g. say you want to take a a four bar...
  2. 3

    Newbie: Remixing, tools for tempo/beat matching

    I'm looking for a good article (or 1st hand knowledge) about how people approach remixing and to begin with identifying the tempo/beat: I heard that there are tools out there that allow you to tap along with the beat so you can identify the right tempo?, e.g. say you want to take a a four bar...
  3. 3

    M-Audio Ozone USB midi keyboard and 24/96 sound..

    Anyone using it, and what do you think of it?? Considering I'm in need of a new sound card (and a portable one at that so I can bring it into work), AND I need a portable midi/keyboard controller.. this sounds like the ticket.
  4. 3

    BUILDING A NEW DAW: What to buy and better yet, what questions to ask?

    I built my first DAW 3-4 years ago, and it was PAINFUL deciding what parts to buy, but believe it or not, this list below was Mack Daddy cutting edge back then: Athalon 600 Asus K7V 256M Ram 18Gig Seagate SCSI & Adaptec adapter (I used to have a Gadget Labs 8in/8out card, but downgraded to a SB...
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    ADAPTEC AHA-2940U ULTRA SCSI: Keep it, or?

    I'm planning on upgrading my PC/DAW from scratch and wondering if there is any value in keeping the adaptec I have for the new DAW or just go all IDE. I don't want to buy a new SCSI adapter (see: can't afford), but I will need to buy two new drives for the new system (maybe raid, but...
  6. 3

    Recording Vocals: The "inhale" sound.. What to do?

    Disclaimer: Absolute newbie, i.e. be nice ;-) So, I'm recording vocals for the first time in my life, and although I am truly inspired by this first take of an absolutely terrified amateur vocalist (she was so nervous that she stayed home from work because she had a migrane from the...
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    Testing SONAR-XL, but having doubts (re: ACID 4.0)

    I'm testing Sonar XL, Acid Pro 4.0, & Cool Edit 2.0, and although I was leaning towards Sonar just so I could "grow into it", I'm having serious doubts because when I try to preview effects & processing or even apply them to a track, they take MUCH longer than Acid Pro (using the same exact...
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    I'm experimetning with all three of these tools, and although I spent the last year of my life reading every magazine and online article I could get my hands on, I'm still fairly confused as to why ACID PRO isn't just fine for "my needs" (perhaps it is?): Here's the lowdown and what I'd really...
  9. 3

    Mixer/studio/ signal path setup question

    I cannot believe I have to ask this, but here goes: 1st, my recording setup: Keyboard Guitars (through stereo effects board) Studio monitors mics for vocals or acoustic headphone amp PC for recording (Important note, only two ins *L/R* for stereo) and last, but not least, I sold the Mackie...