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  1. pipelineaudio

    Anyone playing guitar thru pro tools?

    Using amp sims and MIDI pedals in realtime? Please let me know, I need some PT testers for a new plugin
  2. pipelineaudio

    Free MIDI monitor from us at aiXdsp

    We took a break from working on mixing plugins to take on some of the guitar utilities I wrote about a few years back. testing those was made MUCH easier with the use of a MIDI monitor, so i figured that would be a great, free gift to the communities who have so greatly enriched my life over the...
  3. pipelineaudio

    Who is up for some alpha/beta testing?

    If you record amateur drummers a lot, this is for you. I finally have another coding team and am starting to finish a lot of the stuff I meant to do early on in REAPER, and then move on from there. Just like REAPER, the goal is to make life simpler for engineers, so you can put more energy into...
  4. pipelineaudio

    hr and noobs

    I have to tell you guys, for how many massive dramas we've had on this board, it matters not. I recently had to join a community where * I* am the noob I wish so much that I was treated there, the way noobs are treated here....gawdawlmighty
  5. pipelineaudio

    Pyle 100 dollar drum mics

    Moral of the story here: Don't let the cost of drum mics be a barrier to you getting into drum recording, and don't fret too hard when the pretengineers tell you "you need this [whatever was in mix magazine this month] mic or you cant record I don't like leaving all my expensive recording mics...
  6. pipelineaudio

    Round Trip Latency Roundup

    Hi all, I am doing a round trip latency roundup of various audio interfaces and could really use your help! The results will be view able for the world to see at: Round Trip Latency Roundup If you can, I would like the results on whatever audio interface you are running at 44.1kHz, at 512, 256...
  7. pipelineaudio

    Guerilla Recording Podcast

    I'm starting up a new podcast, mostly question and answer format, and hopefully dealing with the subject of guerrilla recording, but general recording, audio engineering and studio tech as well of course. Please post any questions you would like answered in ridiculous depth here or at the...
  8. pipelineaudio

    New Free Drum Sampler from pipelineaudio

    KMS Drums SSE for Windows 32 and 64 bit VST, OSX VST and OSX Audio Units up for free now at KMS Drums » Please follow the instructions and let me know any issues ASAP So this is pretty simple. Seven mics with level controls on the kick, snare and toms (4 tom set), five...
  9. pipelineaudio

    Anyone on Oahu?

    I'm starting my next set of drum samples tonite, and on thru the week. This is a good chance to learn all about micing techniques and drum tuning. Let me know if you are interested. Easiest way to get a hold of me is pipeline audio on facebook
  10. pipelineaudio

    Anyone on Oahu?

    I'm starting my next set of drum samples tonite, and on thru the week. This is a good chance to learn all about micing techniques and drum tuning. Let me know if you are interested. Easiest way to get a hold of me is pipeline audio on facebook
  11. pipelineaudio

    MuZQ, Note based EQ

    Pretty much self explanatory. I always wanted one of these and now I got it! Added to the DrummyQ bundle at
  12. pipelineaudio

    DrummyQ is out! My first plugin

    For a whole big fat ten bucks, windows 32 bit so far, I'm working on finishing x64 and mac versions Drummy-Q is a plugin specifically made for mixing drums. The easiest way I can think of to explain the concept is to just give an example of how to use...
  13. pipelineaudio

    Wanted: Studio Manager/booking agent

    We got SHITLOADS of gear, in both static and mobile setups, access to killer rooms, a great reputation and engineering skills On the other hand, we suck ass at the business end and almost always end up doing unintentional charity work. You: Name your terms. If you think you can get bands in...
  14. pipelineaudio

    Rocket VST is out!

    I've been looking forward to the release for a nail biting, seemingly endless time! For me this compressor handles 1176 and distressor style duties without the associated hassles. Rocket uses the same sort of uncrippled trial as the rest of the Stillwell Audio plugs, so don't hesitate to...
  15. pipelineaudio

    Linux Drivers, please help Please add your voice there, asking for linux drivers from line 6. They needn't necessarily be made by line6 but we could use at least a bit of help. It needn't be GPL or open source. I picked line6 as a target, because they have a...
  16. pipelineaudio

    Stillwellaudio just went OSX!

    Audio Units and VST support for mac now # 7 May 08 Apple Audio Units available for all Stillwell plugins! Thanks to all beta testers for effort above and beyond!. # 7 May 08 OS X VSTs available for all Stillwell plugins! These should be release quality, but less...
  17. pipelineaudio

    Beware the newest MOTU drivers (3.6.8)

    Changing nothing but the drivers from 3.6.7 to 3.6.8 I see this in the reported latency: 3.6.7 3.6.8 Now, before making any conclusions, I decided I better try the CEntrance Latency Test Utility, in case this was just reported latency and actual latency had not changed. For some...
  18. pipelineaudio

    New VST-i OLGA

    From Scott Stillwell, Schwa, and White Tie. The same team who brought you classics like MajorTom and Spectro comes a Virtual Synthesizer Same, extremely liberal licensing policy as the other Scott Stillwell and Schwa plugs Here are some mp3 examples...
  19. pipelineaudio

    REAPER Video Montage Some screen caps of reaper in action
  20. pipelineaudio

    post your song for REAPER Radio

    Place your links on stashbox and post the link here in this thread Better yet, download the SHUP tool from the stashbox page, it will make your life easier, by a lot Make sure these are YOUR songs, and made in REAPER Tune in here if its down try...