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  1. D

    4 tracks recording

    Hi there! Need some help. I have a little TASCAM 414 4 tracks and I am trying to record a band ( some friends of mine ). I am new on it and I really do not know how to start. Well the thing is that I started, but I do not know if I did it the right way. The band is drums, two guitars, bass, and...
  2. D

    Noise from other tracks when mixing tracks

    Hi there! Got a problem :( I 've got a 414 and the thing is that when I am mixing tracks i.e. #1 and #2 to a track #3 and I have something recorded on track #4 (in off possition) I get a little noise or mix of the track #4 in the track #3. When all the tracks are in possition off I also can...