Search results

  1. Spinney Lainey

    Recording mid-side for flute?

    I recently started a thread about condenser microphone recommendations for flute. I have a SE Electronics SEX1R ribbon mic and was thinking about getting a condenser mic and then recording mid-side? Would this be the best set-up for mixing a condenser with a ribbon mic? Any tips for this, as I'm...
  2. Spinney Lainey

    Condenser mic recommendations for flute

    So I recently bought an SE Electronics SEX1R ribbon microphone for my flute and would like to get a condenser mic, so I can mid-side. Any suggestions? Cheers Maybe I should go for the SEX1 for the condenser microphone version of the SEX1R ribbon mic, or would it be better to have a different make?
  3. Spinney Lainey

    Condenser mic recommendations for flute

    So I recently bought an SE Electronics SEX1R ribbon microphone for my flute and would like to get a condenser mic, so I can record stereo. Any suggestions? Cheers :) Price range - up to £200
  4. Spinney Lainey

    Any tips for compressing flute??

    Hi guys, I've nearly finished a progressive psytrance track with flute in it. I can't quite get the compression right on the flute. Also, when I've been putting compression on recently, it's been cutting some bits out and I'm not quite sure why! Any suggestions?
  5. Spinney Lainey

    Headphones for recording

    Hi, I'm looking for some suggestions for headphones to use for recording. They need to have quite a long cable, so I can have flexibility about whereabouts in my room I want to record and can move around, they should also be good at isolating the sound, so none of it leaks into the recording. My...
  6. Spinney Lainey

    Ribbon mic recommendations for recording flute

    I was wondering if anyone can recommend a ribbon mic for recording flute that's no more than £300? I'm really into the idea of getting a ribbon mic because I heard some recordings and compared to condenser and dynamic mics, it makes the low notes sound fuller and the high notes less harsh. Do...
  7. Spinney Lainey

    Can't load Massive soundbanks on Ableton Live 8

    I've just installed Massive and got a load of sample banks. However, I can't get Massive to open and play any of the sound banks. I'm using Ableton Live 8. Is there a specific file location required for the soundbanks? At the moment, it is in my VST folder. Is this right, or should I put them...
  8. Spinney Lainey

    My MIDI keyboard is not triggering the VSTs in Ableton and my kick drum isn't playing

    Hi there, I've only been using Ableton for a couple of weeks but already love it and have generally been progressing well. However, two annoying problems started today. The first problem is that when I try to play sounds from Sylenth and Albino 3 using the MIDI keyboard, it's not working...