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  1. F

    Ableton live 8 lite + Focusrite Scarlett + pentium i7 8 gig ram = LATENCY

    Ok guys I don't think I fully understand latency yet. I understand it's the delay between the action of playing/producing the sound and for the ear to actually hear the sound. I'm using the bundled ableton live 8 lite that came with my scarlett 8i6. I laid down the first track (guitar part)...
  2. F

    Ableton Rewire Help!

    Can anyone give me a step-by-step guide to running ableton live 8 as slave to reaper 4 (32 bit)? I've looked everywhere... :(
  3. F

    Basic noob advice please!

    Hi guys I'm just getting back into recording after over a decade's hiatus. Apart from not being fully up to speed with all the developments I have also forgotten a lot of what I had learnt (partially because I wasn't mainly in charge of all the mixing back then either). Anyway I'm looking for...