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  1. T

    Cakewalk au 25ex feedback, shorts out my house??

    Hey everyone. I recently bought a cakewalk au 25ex audio interface. When I began recording a guitar using an aux input I got an increadible amount of feedback, a loud ringing noise or whine through out the air. I plugged a pair of head phones into the monitor and tried again and it recorded...
  2. T

    Tascam US 1641 stalls audio when outputing audio

    Hey, im using a tascam us 1641 to output my imacs audio to an amp and speakers, but the 1641 stalls whatevers playing in itunes,browsers on firefox with flash players open,youtube ect when there all playing at the same time. Audio and video freezes, stutters, even switches between each other in...
  3. T

    Help with Logic Pro and Tascam US-1641

    Ive recently been learning the ins of logic pro 9, and have just purchased a Tascam US-1641. After installing all drivers ect. Logic identifies the 1641 as a MIDI device but to no endeavor have i been able to record anything. Ive been using a Casio CDP 200 connected through usb to record and its...