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  1. M

    Loud vocals without clipping.

    Hello all, How does one record loud vocals without having experiencing any distortion. Thank you, mat
  2. M

    Aux channels and mixing vocals.

    Hi all, Question regarding the use of aux channels. When I send an aux effect through one of the busses to add to one of my tracks which volumes should I watch/worry about? The actual 'track mixer' volume (on aux) or the volume nob on the bus? I experiment with all 3 (voc/track nob, aux nob and...
  3. M

    Aux and master channel.

    Hello all, When mixing and having your track channel being sent through an aux do you later need to assign that aux to a master channel too? Or is it already going to be included in that track which it's effecting? Do I put both the audio track and aux outputs as "x" or just one of them? (in...
  4. M

    Distortion in PT LE8

    Someone will have to explain to me how this works and when to worry and when not to worry. I always thought that as soon as the bars that indicate the audio volume hit the top and give out a red mark I'm doing something wrong and should reduce the volume. I mixed something today with the audio...
  5. M

    MXL V67G Large Condenser Microphone experience!

    I have bought the microphone for ~80$ (new). I use it along with mbox mini and pro tools LE. It is my very first and only (so far) microphone I have used with no complains to date. I want to show and let you hear the results I have gotten out of this so far. I tried to approach the beat in a...
  6. M

    Louder vocals w/o changing the 'structure' of the voice.

    I'm currently using MXL V67G Condenser microphone. It works great up until I sing with more of a kick, scream, emotion. I have to lower my input down to avoid distortion. When I do that the vocals differ quite a lot since I have vocal tracks that are recorded on different db's. I did think of...
  7. M

    Microphone mod plugins.

    I've been researching a bit and I came across a plugin that will make your (cheap) microphone sound like you've spent two grand on it. Are those worth checking out? To be exact I was mainly reading on Antares mic mod efx. Share your experience if you have dealt with this, thanks!
  8. M

    Audio clock problem. PT 8

    Hello, I have just gotten my new equipment. Mbox mini2 with PT 8. I keep getting a message when I try to play back a track. "Problem detected with audio clock. Check that your clock source and sampe rate are correct" I have tried to start a session with both 44.1 and 48 khz. The laptop is...
  9. M

    Vocals in a closet?

    I've been thinking it was my best option for the past month (I'm new, just ordered an mbox and a condenser, 1st take in 2 weeks or so). My closer is ~7 by 9 feet, ~9 feel tall. Filled with cloths. All I'm doing is vocals. I could run the cables and station the laptop outside, no problem. Is it...
  10. M

    Is a mic all I need? Or an audio interface too?

    I'm getting a laptop soon (being shipped) from ADK pro audio. I'm planning on buying the MXL V67G as my 1st microphone. Now, do I need an audio interface or can I just work on the microphone being plugged into the computer? Or is audio interface a must? Does it make it sound better? I was...
  11. M

    Whats wrong with me?

    There are days, when I can just sit down and write. Every good line I write I jump up with excitement and cant wait to write another. After a good verse I just dance around the room lmao. And then there are days... when I cant even write a decent sounding single line... Will this inability...
  12. M

    ADK pro audio laptops.

    I've been looking for a bit now and came across a couple websites that offer 'audio' friendly computers. I did consider the MacPro but I just dont feel the need to pay the extra 500 for the Apple logo., seems to offer very good laptops that would run me about half a...
  13. M

    Tell me what I'm missing, recording vocals.

    Hi there. I'm currently reading Home Recording for Musicians as recommended by one of the posters. Im getting some very good info and just wanted to double check with you professionals. I want to work on the laptop mainly. I was in the process of buying one anyways, so adding couple hundered to...
  14. M

    Newbie in need of direction.

    First of all hello, as this is my first post. I have read through posts on these forums and found some useful information. I want to record vocals on a PC. I'll be using Reaper (as recommended by one of the posters). I still havent decided on the mic but that shouldnt be too hard to research...