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  1. 5

    Preamp options for drums...

    Hello everyone... I'm currently recording a classic rock band. The drummer has a single kick, two mounted toms and a floor tom. I have an API 3124 preamp and (2) LA 610s. My plan was to use 2 SM57s on the snare (top n bottom), a D112 inside the sound hole of the kick and a sub kick outside...
  2. 5

    Add a preamp or upgrade a mic?

    I'm looking to improve my drum recordings and think I might get more bang for the buck getting / replacing a mic I currently have for a better one rather than add more preamps...? Here is what I am using for drums at the moment: Kick - AKG D112 ---> API 512c Snare Top - SM57 ----> API 512c...
  3. 5

    Api 512c or LA610 for overheads?

    Hello everyone! Here's my question... I am about to record my bands drummer and have an assortment of mics and a couple mic pre's to choose from but don't know which to use where. We are a 70's top 40's / rock band. ...think Doobies, Steely Dan, America, Guess Who.... Here is my current...
  4. 5

    Do I need bass traps behind the amps?

    Hello all! My band practice room / tracking room is in my basement. The back line (drums and amps) go all the way across the back wall. Do I need bass traps behind the gear? I have a drop ceiling, low pile carpet, and paneling. The room is 13' wide, 23' long, 8' tall. The gear is along...
  5. 5

    Is one take a thing of the past?

    "One take meaning - one track per pass"??? Not sure how to explain it. Hello everyone! I was watching some mixing videos online and noticed a Dave Pensado project was filled with many breaks in his tracks. It appears as if the song was recorded in "pieces" instead on each instrument in one...
  6. 5

    (2) 8-channel interfaces?

    Hello All - I have reached my capacity with my M-Audio Profire 2626 - 8 channel interface and was wondering if anyone has tried tracking with two of these at the same time? I know you can daisychain (not sure if that is the correct term) up to 3 of these together - just never tried it. I want...
  7. 5

    Open back Bass traps?

    Should bass traps have an open back? Here's my situation - I made (12) panels for my basement band practice / recording space. The panels are 2" x 24" x 48" OC 703 mounted to 1/4" particle board, wrapped and stapled (no wood on the sides - cloth is basically holding the fiberglass to the...
  8. 5

    Bass traps for soffits

    My recording space is in the basement and in need of bass traps. The only issue I have is that I have a beam running along one wall housed in a soffit. The soffit measures 6" tall by about 10" deep (width). Straddling this with 4" bass traps would be difficult. If I cut strips of 2" 703 and...
  9. 5

    Best way to cut 2" 703?

    Has anyone got any ideas how to achieve the best possible straight cut on 2" (or 4") Owens Corning 703 without tearing it to shreads making a mess if it lol?
  10. 5

    Basement rehearsal room issues!

    I need advice for treating my jam room. We play in my basement which is approx. 20' wide x 7' tall w drop ceiling tiles x 23' long. There is carpet down there and paneling. We hung heavy velour black curtains all around the band for looks and immediately noticed some deadening of echos. Next...
  11. 5

    Separate rooms for tracking and mixing

    Does anyone track in one room and mixdown in a separate room? My modest home studio also serves as our practice / jam room. All of the drums and guitar gear is setup in my basement and my computer setup is in my bedroom (directly above the jam room). I was planning on using my laptop to track...
  12. 5

    To gate or not to gate....

    Trimming away the dead air from kick and snare drum tracks is a very tedious process as Im sure everyone hates. Would a gate be a better option, or is trimming just a necessary evil?
  13. 5

    Render Drum Mix Separately???

    Has/do anyone regularly render to stereo a drum mix of 8+ tracks then bring that stereo mix back into their DAW to begin stacking guitars, bass, vocals, keys, etc?
  14. 5

    When to normalize?

    I am currently using Cubase 5 and recording a 5-pc hard rock band. Should all tracks be "normalized" prior to mixing?
  15. 5

    Effects of Over-EQing

    I know that the amount of EQ applied to any audio track is first - subjective, and second - depends on the quality of the recorded track (mic, mic placement, instrument, player, signal level, etc..) My question is... At what point does EQing take away from the overall sound? I mean, you could...
  16. 5

    Drums>Firewire Mixer>Daw?

    Please help! I've been recording 8 tracks of drums through my M-audio ProFire 2626 using Cubase 5. The problem is, the drums are pretty much lifeless unless I add compression, EQ, and inserts on every track, thus eating up alot of CPU power. I've also tried FX sends to handle some of the...