
Mick Doobie

to (perhaps) the dawn of WW3.

Look at this fuck, "the leader of the free world", known by those in the know to have been wrong on every foreign policy issue since...since his entire and only career in so-called public service. If you voted for it, you got it. Everything is shit. Congratulations.

It's okay. They're just playing at war. Making statements.

"We are now waiting to see how Israel responds. Although an unnamed “senior Israeli official” has been quoted promising a “significant response” to the attacks, Iran appears to have pre-cleared the attacks with the United States via the Oman diplomatic backchannel. And according to Roi Kais of Israel’s Kan News, a U.S. official told Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya on Friday, “the United States will take part in the response to the Iranian response if Tehran escalates the situation inappropriately”—which means that the United States tacitly approved an appropriate level of Iranian escalation, such as, we don’t know, a “symbolic” drone-and-missile attack."*

*from The Scroll - newsletter
The bigger takeaway here (bigger than confirmation of America's Iranian toady status even) is that Jordan and Saudi joined in the Israeli defense efforts. That is a legit first and harbinger of a new dawning of reason and cooperation in that region.
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I am really surprised Iran has come out of their "Sovereign Border" hiding. By attacking Israel they have opened themselves up. I don't think they could defend themselves with any kind of strength. But I do wonder what the ice cream president (soft serve) will do?

Interesting times, but not new.
We're good. Trump's coming back. He'll fix it. :eatpopcorn:
Don't start...

To be serious for just a moment. The only thing Trump may do is go back to treating Iran like the pariah they are. It seems obvious that the Obama-Biden pivot to favoring Iran has only emboldened their "death to Israel" stance and provided an aggravating foil to any moderating trends in mainstream Arab politics. The Saudis and other OPEC members like UAE countries are starting to accept the reality of an Israeli nation and cooperate with her. Why the US is afraid of these developments leads to some very interesting conjecture.
Don't worry y'all, Joe "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" Biden is at the helm, he's just like FDR. Of course, as history tells us, they both suffer(ed) ailments. FDR had polio and his legs didn't function. Joe, well, "you know, the thing".
So Biden is a bumbling fool again this week?

Incredible how this guy keeps going back and forth between being a total buffoon one minute to the mastermind behind the most elaborate conspiracy theory in the history of American politics, in charge of stealing an election and being in charge of indicting a former president for multiple crimes.

Seriously, do you brainwashed, orange minions really believe your own bullshit?

I don’t even like Biden. But I’ll take a retarded monkey over the lying criminal narcissist that has complete control of your pliable little brains. It’s just so pathetic.