Recent content by thevirus5085

  1. T

    Setting up your own shows

    Me and some fellow musicans are planning on setting up shows soon. I figure it's an amazing way of putting your band out there. We plan on just selling the tickets for cheap enough to through another show. The cheaper the tickets the more people go(we hope). So what do yah think and do you have...
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    Screen printing

    Screen printing has really helped me publicize my band and company. I can screen shirts and patchs for almsot nothing and the best part is is that it is so easy. Lots of people buy merchendise as well because you can now afford to sell the stuff for cheap(I sell um for 4 bucks). I recomend...
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    Power amp

    I know.. I know... I am an idiot but can you please tell me what a power amp is and does and what it woudl be used for in recording. .... I understand if you dont answer but it would help a lot... -conor-
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    idiot question but need help on VF160

    I am obviously a newbi so help would be GREATLY appreicated. I own the VF160 and I need to buy some descent monitors. Do i buy powered or unpowered monitors? again I am sorry for my stupidity.....
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    500 dollar budget

    I decided to sell my old electric drumset and I am using that money to expand on my equipment. I will be able to get 500 dollars for the set so that is my budget. What I have: VF160 guitars,basses,drum set, amps, ect... and one mic(Nady starpower) monitors headphones(all those accesories) I...
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    Thread Rating

    I understand that the more stars the cooler you are but, how do they determin how many stars you have?
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    Recording bass

    Someone told me to get the Countryman Di box to record bass on my budget and still ahve a good sound. My first question is what does a di box do? Secondly, what do you have to say about this equipment and if you don't like it what do you recomend that is aroudn the same price? thanks -conor
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    VF160 phantom power

    I was talking to someone who said that I will need a preamp to power the condeser mics where as I thought that the VF160 phantom power would take care of that. Can someone please help me out.... I dont want to buy a new mic and not be able to use it till i get the money to buy the pre. thanks...
  9. T

    Where do I go from here?

    I am a newbie and I am trying to learn about as much as i can about the things I need to buy. As of right now I have a Vf160, some cables, a art core guitar, a drum workshop drumset, a bass i found in the garbage can, a good pair of head phones. i know i need some mics so i plan on getting: Main...
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    mic question

    I am sorry if this question is played out but, i have really crappy mics (nady starpower witch i got for money convenience) and I am just not getting the clean, crisp sound i am looking for. I am mainly recording "indy" sounding bands and myself. If it helps to have a band to model the sound off...
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    Drum machine newbie

    hey, i am sorry if this has been posted to much and is getting old for you all, but you all seem to be my only sorce of finding a drum machine i will be happy with. I am looking for a drum machine to use that will give me that indy sound. I personally like the one the postal service(the band)...
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    simple VF160 question

    i just got my VF160 today. i read through the manuel and started recording. while i am recording, nothing is going through the headphones. and when i try to play it back, nothign goes through the head phones. all you do is plug in the headphones to the thing labeled PHONES right? im thinking...
  13. T

    Ah hahahaha

    i got a brand new fostex VF 160 for 701 dollars! just thought i would share.
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    what works well with the fostex VF80?

    ok. i am tryign to buy the stuff i need to build a small recording "studio" if you will. i decided to go with the fostex VF80 but i am an extream newbe. so i do not know what else to buy that owuld work well with this peace of equipment. i jsut want enough to buy what i need to record and i want...
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    question on equipment

    ok so i am almost totally new to recording besides off of my little 4 track. i would like to get into recording more and i am planning on just setting up a small "studio" if you will, in my basement. i know im kinda jumping into things but i would like to be able to have hands on experience with...