Recent content by TheGreatBongChicken

  1. TheGreatBongChicken

    Original song by my sister... hoping to get thoughts on production and mix. Hey guys, I haven't been on in a long time again. As usual anyone who knows me knows that I have seizures and they get in the way of things... that should be stopping soon though thanks to a crazy diet that I'm...
  2. TheGreatBongChicken

    Back from my injury with a new song. So yeah, I got my right pointer finger caught in a wood splitter... long story short, I cracked my bone and my finger tip "exploded" because of the pressure. I was rushed to the ER and they stitched...
  3. TheGreatBongChicken

    Sisters song again... tried to pan things out a bit... any thoughts?

    So... as much as I am a mono mixer by nature, I have tried to pan things out in the song. Didn't really make any instrumental changes, but through an autotune on her voice slightly, we will probably do another take soon though... put some stereo delay on her voice to get it "bouncing around" as...
  4. TheGreatBongChicken

    New song by my sister... what do you think of the mix? Hey guys, I've just finished a first mixdown of the song and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts. -James'
  5. TheGreatBongChicken

    What do you guys think of this mix, and song? This guy writes some interesting stuff.... There are no real drums until the end. But anyway, I've never produced anything like this before, any thoughts on it? All input is appreciated.
  6. TheGreatBongChicken

    Having a hard time with female vocal... If you guys can check this out for me, any mixing advice would be appreciated but especially the vocal. It just doesn't seem to blend with the mix. :confused: Also, I know that she's off time with the music at the...
  7. TheGreatBongChicken

    New song, short instrumental

    Hey guys, I wrote this Wednsday and recorded the guitar and bass... then the drums the next day. I just had this riff in my head and wanted to get it recorded, and then it sort of evolved into a mini song. I may add lyrics, I may not... I'm not sure.
  8. TheGreatBongChicken

    New song, how are the levels and EQ?

    I FIXED THE LINK!! SORRY ABOUT THAT!! Any and all input is appreciated! There's the file. -James'
  9. TheGreatBongChicken

    Did I do a good job? Listen and tell me. Hey, I know this is the third time I posted this song(I think) but I have taken alot of your advice and would like some input. I think the kick may be too loud, but it seems to get lost if I bring it...
  10. TheGreatBongChicken

    Check it out!

    Hey guys, this is only a clip of my first complete song that I wrote and produced. I have been working on it for a while and this is an instrumental clip. if you go to it's the first song, and it's called "Breathe Life Clip" I would like input on the...
  11. TheGreatBongChicken

    Remixed the song, need mixing advice.

    Hey, I remixed the "Passing through" song that I had put up the other day and I think it sounds better. It's not mastered yet, but I would like more input from you guys... I took your previous advice. I still don't know what to do with the background vocals in the bridge, and the electric...
  12. TheGreatBongChicken

    New song "Passing Through" need mixing help.

    Hey guys, some of you might remember me. I posted about four songs a while back and asked for feedback. Well, I'm back now and I think I've learned allot and have 1 new recording to show you. I am stuck here though, I think it's two compressed... but not as bad as the old ones I put up...
  13. TheGreatBongChicken

    My first few recordings.

    I do recordings for other artists mostly. Here are a few, I have yet to update to MixCraft 3. I downloaded it and tried it but these were done with 2.5 This was for a guy named Rick Haller. He wrote the song, and for the...