Recent content by sherayd

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    Hey Folks, What do you know about this website? I posted on here reluctantly but curious and excited. Maybe you can utilize it better than I have so here ya go. or something like that. Ciao! sherayd p.s. my songs are awful i am aware, spare the remarks. *smile :-P
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    Hey Folks, What do you know about this website? I posted on here reluctantly but curious and excited. Maybe you can utilize it better than I have so here ya go. or something like that. Ciao! sherayd p.s. my songs are awful i am aware, spare the remarks. *smile :-P
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    I am Happy to SAY

    Guess wot???? Everyone who helped and/or discouraged and insulted or applauded.....I did it!!!! I just finished my first song using this blasted drum machine and i am happy. Someone here (and i hopefully will find him/her again) suggested this online multi-track recorder and i was able to...
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    Boss DR-3

    Not everyone has the best reading comprehensive skills okay? I read and re-read the directions, when i push play I always hear a demo, do any of you know how to manipulate the record so that i can just record what i make up? If not, don't piss on me. I do not deserve it. wah wah wahhhhh!!!!!
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    Boss DR-3 I am a beginner in the worst way

    Hi , I would love some "input" on wether or not I am hopelessly incapable of learning how to manipulate the buttons on this lovely piece of equiptment. I simply would like to record the beats that i make up in my head, of course while tapping the proper key pads. I've figured out that much...
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    Is the AudioMulch Program for Scientists?

    I was unaware, and still am quite frankly. I would love to use it, because it looks really cool. I haphazordly stumbled upon a few beats or "sound" that i enjoyed while fiddling with it. Do any of you know what you are doing when you deliberately open the program because I do Not...
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    SHow ME the Way I beg of you DR-3 How do i simply Record??

    I am in desperate need of attention and direction. I got a Boss Dr-3 and I am sure it is what i want, my only problem is, I cannot figure out how to simply record my own made up beats, then make them loop so that i can record my guitar along with it all while recording on some seperate cassette...