Sel Davis

THIS WILL SURELY HELP YOU. Read my "Bio" on my info tab THIS WILL SURELY HELP YOU. Consider the fact that the Bible includes of 66 Books written over a period of around 1,500 years -by over 40 different authors in three diff. languages on three diff. continents, most of the authorrs never meeting each other. Yet, they are consistent in their descriptions n prophesy of a ton of things like the coming Christ and His mission, what an angel looks like, the descriptions of hell and of heaven, the Characteristics of GOD being merciful, patient, Righteous Judge etc. what HE wants for our lives. etc. if you kno a math genius he would tell you that this is impossible. How can you explain this other than the fact that the Author is Divine. not to mention historical and archeological proof. Over 25,000 sites have now been discovered that pertain to the Bible and no archeological discovery has ever contradicted a biblical reference. -i want you to search hard to know the Truth and tell me what you find (keep ur eyes open while searching) I LOVE YOU

Yes Please Comedy Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty thing that you do not know. -God
October 5
Los Angeles, California, United States