Recent content by royalb

  1. R

    MYspace today

    I just put myspace together. Some feedback or friends?
  2. R

    Where to turn?

    After thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollers spent. After losing almost everything in life except my music. Everything i hear from others is so weak i vomit. Ive put blood into my songs and i dont feel safe posting them on the net or sending cds to people ive never met. Where do i...
  3. R

    volume isnt power.

    When dealing with multiple songs/tracks for an album, how do you eq the volumes? Not just dbs but the songs "energy" or amp as a whole. Is there any software or plugins out there?
  4. R

    sample rate

    Yes i have a qustion regarding samle rate AGAIN. Does anybody know what the exact change is in bpm when you up sample 44k to 48k? The difference in pitch?
  5. R

    sample rate

    Yes i have a qustion regarding samle rate AGAIN. Does anybody know what the change is in bpm goes when you up sample 44k to 48k? The difference in pitch?
  6. R

    How can i fix this?

    My problem started when i created a new session is protools7. I created my session as a 44k(samplerate) session. The problem is that before any production took place i somehow switched the digirack/rosetta to 48k. After production i relized my error and now bounceing session to disk will result...
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    hello please ignore
  8. R


    Compression? Why do you compress?(even out volumes?) When is it needed?(on the final mix? on seperate tracks?) What settings shoud be used?(is there a standerd?) What is the sound that people look for when using compression? any examples/comparison songs?
  9. R

    sample rate

    hey guys ok, if i record and mix everything at 24/48 in protools and then bounce to disk at 16/44.1 as a stereo wave(so i can put it on cd) why do i hear a very slooooooooooooooowww song? i added the dither plug to my masterfader but still slow music..... thanks
  10. R

    Bounce to disk sample rate

    ok using protools and im recording and mixing at 24 / 48 so my question is when i bounce my session to disk as .wav and select 16/ 44.1 what do i do to maintain the sound of my 48k session>?
  11. R

    help ..........

    hello what mic should i buy?????? i want to record vocals only(more male than female) using a 737 pre $2000-6000 price range ..... (hiphop)end of the world sound is what im looking what should i do...anyone thanks paul
  12. R

    Soundelux u195?

    ive heard that the soundelux u195 is a great mic that sounds like the u 87 .... s
  13. R


    i would like to purchase a Finalizer for my end result master....TC Electronic Finalizer 96K... what do u guys think about that?
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    hd or le...

    is it a wise decision to spend the money on an hd system? i mean how many tracks are really needed? can you achieve the same sound with LE if you use a high end ad converter and powerfull cpu?
  15. R

    I really need more opinions

    Hello I am ready to purchase recording equipment but i need to be sure....My budget is $16000-20000 and i want things to be more UPGRADABLE then replacable. ive been using reason for years now and thats all im starting with. ive been talking to sweetwater and we have came up with this: g5 quad...