Recent content by Ron Rondondo

  1. R

    Hero - A simple rock track

    Yes, in the old days a young musical group (or single artist)) would write and use a studio to record songs. Once they did that they would try to sell it to one of the popular record companies to try to get a record deal. If the record company liked them they'd sign them and then release the...
  2. R

    Hero - A simple rock track

    soulicparadox - From where I come - 2 Grammy Nominations - Number 14 record on BillBoard's Hot 100 Chart - Producer - Director - 50 year musician (guitar/bass) Songwriter etc. etc. Every once in a while I like to find someone that I can help and "pay it forward" and Soulman I just picked you...
  3. R

    Laptop Bleed

    Thanks very much for your suggestion I truly appreciate it. Now allow me to give you a good tip. Most musicians now days (you may not be included) are of the mindset that more is better in every way. More instruments, more effects on top of each other. Music has become extremely mechanized...
  4. R

    Laptop Bleed

    Thank you very much I have solved my issue thanks to all you folks here. You guys made my night !! Are you familiar with Reaper by the way, and if you are I have one more question: I'm trying to change the colors on my VU meter/s but for the life of me it will not let me do so, I want lower...
  5. R

    Laptop Bleed

    Is it possible I can receive your advice on a problem I am having sir ?
  6. R

    Laptop Bleed

    There are no drivers for the 10 AT mixer in the Peavey website
  7. R

    Laptop Bleed

    Ok absolutely will do, and thanks
  8. R

    Laptop Bleed

    I just had the strangest thing happen man. I did what you suggested, got into the Recording tab and there are 3 mic icons there, one of them was on (the middle) so I disabled it. Then I went to Reaper and there was no bleed through, I couldn't believe it. I then ran my Alesis drum machine and...
  9. R

    Laptop Bleed

    It is disabled
  10. R

    Laptop Bleed

    It's not listed in either, and that is what's so frustrating
  11. R

    Laptop Bleed

    It is disabled.
  12. R

    Laptop Bleed

    I just checked there is no listing for USB driver
  13. R

    Laptop Bleed

    Ok I'll check it out thanks.
  14. R

    Laptop Bleed

    OK I'll check and see, thanks much