Recent content by pigsnoot

  1. P

    Would like feedback on a mix, recorded this 70ties band (Neil Youngish)

    Hello, I would like some feedback on this mix It's mixed ITB and I don't really like it , finding it dull and lifeless...We're trying to get a sound like old Neil Young records, The Band, T-rex and so on, but It's missing that...
  2. P

    Fostex B16 : Drivebelt replacement = impossible?

    Hello, I purchased a B16 for 100 bucks, and it's in great shape....Only thing is the drivebelt is worn out and slips of the capstan motor. So I bought a nice clean belt of ebay, and was excited to replace it... Was I disapointed when I realised It's impossible! The screws that hold the...