Recent content by Nature'sChild

  1. Nature'sChild

    What do I need in a new computer?

    Hi, Dave. I have a tiny little Beringer USB interface that I use to connect an old Tascam four-track cassette recorder for its built-in eight-channel mixer to my notebook computer. I use the tape deck's inputs for microphones or line-in instrument cables, then route its output through the...
  2. Nature'sChild

    What do I need in a new computer?

    Thanks, folks! I sure appreciate your help! You've given me some useful and specific information. Here are my answers to your questions: TalismanRich, I use a PC, not a Mac. I've decided to go with a desktop rather than a laptop for the reasons you've mentioned. I don't need portability at...
  3. Nature'sChild

    What do I need in a new computer?

    I'm thinking I'll need several USB ports as well as other different input types. I'm using Audacity, and right now my laptop is a super-cheapy with no CD drive and only two USB inputs. I suppose I could use an external CD drive, but isn't that another connection that can cause noise problems? I...