Recent content by MarkCole

  1. M


    Anybody know any good Soundfont websites?? I need a good orchestral Soundfont and (of course) preferably free! Thanks, Mark.
  2. M

    Roland SC-8850 Vs Yahama SW1000XG??

    Which has the better sounds, especially orchestral. I know one is a soundcard and one a USB MIDI module - I already have a good recording soundcard, it's a decent soundsource I lack. Thanks. Mark.
  3. M

    SC-8850 Vs Yamaha SW1000XG - best sounds?

    Which has the better sounds, especially orchestral. I know one is a soundcard and one a USB MIDI module - I already have a good recording soundcard, it's a decent soundsource I lack. Thanks. Mark.
  4. M

    I think I've decided on my new recording setup...

    ...but I'd welcome any comments/criticsms, etc... My recording needs vary from 'live' recording of vocals, guitars, drums, etc, to scoring for film/TV/multimedia, etc. I have: a P3 550mhz with 128mb ram and a UDMA-66 13GB hard drive, Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 with stacks of DirectX FX, Gigasampler...