Recent content by jdchess

  1. J

    Monitoring / Tracking Headphones - Sennheiser 280 vs. 380PRO

    I've been wanting to buy a good set of monitoring headphones as a supplement to my main home studio monitors and for tracking. I wanted to spend around $100. I've had several folks recommend the Sennheiser 280's, and I was seriously considering buying a pair. I was at a local retailer yesterday...
  2. J

    First Studio Monitors

    Please Delete .......
  3. J

    Questions about small home recording studio

    I'm currently putting together a small home recording studio, and I have a few questions. It's primarily for myself (piano/guitar/vocals). The room that I have to work with is rectangular. Dimensions are 11' 10.5" x 15' 11" with a 7' 8.5" ceiling. It's a bonus room above a garage, and it's the...