Recent content by Jakearabble

  1. J

    Random Cubase SX3 Problem

    everyonce in a while, my Cubase acts as if the sample rate changed to 4bit, then randomly changes back, It makes it unusable. I have used this computer with Cubase for 4 years and never a problem. This problem began when I reinstalled Windows. Ive tried drivers both old and new. Messing around...
  2. J

    Midi keyboard triggering "save as"

    friend just got sx3 and has an oxygen and sometime the midi (via usb) is triggering various software functions, such as "save as". In every octave there is a key that has this problem, they are different on every octave. he tried going to the key command menu and changing the shortcut, however...
  3. J

    Mic Pre Question

    dunno if this is the right area for the question but here go's, top of my budget is first i was determined to get the maudio octane to maxamize my delta 1010lt....but now im thinking of just getting a soundcraft e12 and using the inserts as outs to the delta....i can get the octane at...
  4. J

    Feedback on some tunes please!

    hey, alright well it has been a while since i first posted my first song on here and have fired up the old soundclick membership again and got some of my most recent stuff... i play most instruments save guitar...i gotta a friend who has played almost all the guitar tracks...and my other friend...
  5. J

    66\1010lt bus questions

    hey, ok this may seem confusing i am using a delta 66 and 1010lt simultaniously...everything works great...i just want it to work better. My monitors have a loud humm to them which i am working on fixing(that is not my issue)...everytime i record something with a mic...i have to mute my...
  6. J

    Strange monitor humm

    When i turn on my flatscreen monitor, it makes my event-8s buzz...when i turn off the monitor, or mute the monitors it goes away....very strange...tried to search for problems like this but i cant find anything thanks in advance -jake
  7. J

    Watch it Go Down Done NEW

    Watch It Go Down Studio Version PLEASE LISTEN I posted a rough draft of this a week or so, here is the first final draft. Rip it to shreds, i did all the playing\singing except one harmony part, I wont get offended so fire away. Thanks So much in advance to anyone that listens to this and all...
  8. J

    Watch it Go Down Rough Draft

    ok guys, there is a big discaimer on this one before you listen to it. I did this in a little less then an hour, everything is the first take. I know the drum machine is annoying, thats because i didnt feel like setting up the drum mics. I know i screwed up like 399 times With that out of the...
  9. J


    Hey guys, never posted in here but then again ive never had to. Well me and my friend are embarking on an album all recorded at my little project studio. Here is a link to our first song...please please please let me know what you guys think....anything suggestion is greatly appreciated...
  10. J

    1010LT question

    Hey hey, I posted this in the cubase forum but it was never answered here's the sitch, I have a delta 44 and a 1010lt with cubase sx...I have the Delta ASIO set in cubase however! the outs on my delta go through my mixer and PA system but i want it to go thru my computer soundcard\speakers. I...
  11. J

    Drums are fun

    Hey guys, Tommorow(aug 15) is Jakearabble's 17th bday. My present. Drum Mics. I know a real nice guy at GC(i know i know) that i struck a cool deal with. Tell me if any could have gotten this deal.(I have not actually purchased the mics yet so if its still a rip off let me know!!!) 2 oktava...
  12. J

    Sets of Drum Mics

    I want to get a set of drum mics (preferrably 7 kit). Because of the price i want the samson 7 kit...but ive heard awful things about the c02 pencil mics here. I know it is too good to be true 7 mics for 315 bucks. Should i just construct my own set, if so what should i get? Preferrably under...
  13. J


    I have seen numerous threads about this but non answering my question. I have cubase sx with a delta 66 and delta 1010. When i record more then 4 tracks simultaniously I get lots of pops and clicks. my buffer settings are "12, 256" how should I change this to reduce number of pops clicks. Thanks...
  14. J

    NEW delta 66+1010LT+Cubase problem...i know

    hey, just upgraded everything(aka spent money) i now have a delta 66 and 1010LT and everything works great EXCEPT during playback using the 66's 1\2 as monitors after about a minute or so, the audio quality just goes to the first gets realllllly clipped then just degrades to nothing...
  15. J

    Delta 1010 question

    hey, ok here is the skinny, i have a delta 66 that is runnin thru cubase sx in XP...and a mackie 1202 runnin thru the delta....I NEED MORE THEN 4 TRACKS!! of course more is what i need. the mackie only has 4 direct come the questions. is the 1010 my best option(advantages\dis of echo...