Recent content by Hot_Mess

  1. H

    Help with finding a stomp sound?

    Anyone have advice for how to find a stomp sound that will fit my song? I'm kind of hoping to pay just a few dollars for the specific sound I need, rather than downloading some huge pack. Here's the song I want it for: I don't think making it myself...
  2. H

    New song "The Noise" feedback appreciated!

    Thank for any advice you can give me to improve it! I'm very new to this, and this is the first song I've completed since getting monitors. --Jessica
  3. H

    A really ridiculous newbie problem with playing a cd through monitors

    This is so stupid. But I can't figure out how to get a cd, inserted in my computer, to play through my monitors. The sound will only come out of my computer internal speakers. I've got the monitors plugged in to an audio interface or preamp or whatever it's called (Focusrite Scarlett 8i6) and...
  4. H

    Total newbie question but it's also mixing...

    So I just got my first pair of monitors (Yamaha HS 50M). Up till now I've been mixing on headphones. This is really a question about mixing on headphones. I think that even with my monitors, I'm going to probably do some mixing on headphones because of my family/privacy/humiliation concerns...
  5. H

    Recording vocals with SM58 and a 500 sq. foot basement...sound treatment options?

    Also, don't freak out but I'm mixing with headphones.
  6. H

    Recording vocals with SM58 and a 500 sq. foot basement...sound treatment options?

    Here are some photos of the basement. This is the biggest room of the house, although the ceilings in the family room are somewhat higher. I know I've got some severe limitations here, I just want to do the best I can. Also, I can spend a few hundred a couple times a year probably, without my...
  7. H

    Recording vocals with SM58 and a 500 sq. foot basement...sound treatment options?

    Hello, I really hope someone here can help me! Here is what I do: I arrange and "record" in Logic Pro 9 (ALL software instruments using a midi keyboard). So the only live audio recording I need to do is my voice. My voice is just adequate-sounding...I am planning to do a lot of double tracking...
  8. H

    Please help me improve this mix! "This Is Not a Snipe Hunt"

    Hi everyone, I am new to recording and mixing. I just downloaded Logic a couple months ago and here is the result. ("This Is Not a Snipe Hunt", first song.) I would really appreciate any pointers to help me improve. Maybe I'll do another post to outline all...
  9. H

    I am making songs with nothing but my voice and MIDI it hopeless?

    It sounds pretty good to me, but is that hopelessly amateurish? Or is this something that people do? My ultimate goal would be to get my songs as polished as a I can and then make a video and post to Youtube. I guess my question is, if I don't find a real bass player, and instead use midi bass...