Recent content by Hammerstone

  1. Hammerstone

    OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - an audiovisual work

    Thanks guys! It's been killing me, holding it back since last spring, but it needed to run its course at festivals, and everything else I've been working on is just as long-term. I was beginning research and groundwork more than 2 years ago, Shot the super 8 footage between January and March...
  2. Hammerstone

    OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - an audiovisual work

    I guess it doesn't let me just post a link, I have to embed a video! I posted this under analog recordings but I'm brave enough to give it its own post here too. This is a film I made which has been screening in festivals for the last year and a half, now I give it to the Internet. I don't...
  3. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    Well. When putting everything back together I did notice something about the channel 5 card: Not that it's a good picture, but that card seems to have quite a bit of corrosion/oxidation, especially around the relays (which is what you might be able to tell from the picture). All the others...
  4. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    Thanks, I have been glancing at that thread and it has been helpful, and maybe I should fight my nature and learn how to solder but replacing the card just seems easier...or at least just trying to reseat it and see what that does. Look, I even got the front panel off! Aren't you proud of me...
  5. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    E( that I think of it, there would be 1 is probably repro, 2 is sync, hmmm? Or vice versa) (Oh, and I guess I didn't really reseat the card, just unplugged the connections...learning as I go) ANYWAY. I switched channel cards 5 and 6, and it is what you say, a relay acting up. Now...
  6. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    Thanks for being here guys, I don't think we quite appreciate you enough, but we can all try! Here is a shot right off the computer screen, obviously channel 5 is different. Thankfully Channel 5 is right on top and I didn't have to go digging to far to find it. Before I really got my hands...
  7. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    Well, after a summer busily working at my new job with no time for transferring, I did finally designate a weekend to get it done. Unfortunately I ran into so much trouble that I spent the entire weekend troubleshooting, and blaming everything on the digital board and new computer setup at...
  8. Hammerstone

    A cool new gig, and a question or two

    Well guys, I haven't been that active recently, I suppose that's my fault for not ever completing projects to be able to share them. Recently though, I've delved back into the tape world in a big way. A friend of mine has a Tascam MS16 that he's been holding onto for a while but not using...
  9. Hammerstone

    Advice needed: Otari MX5050 MkIII8 - worth fixing up?

    Hey guys, give me your opinions here. I've been sitting on this machine for more than three years now (hard to believe), still don't know if it's worth it to me to hang onto it. I got it for cheap from a guy who said it belonged to a friend of his, evidently his friend had been a musician but...
  10. Hammerstone

    TASCAM Wallpaper

    Gear **** Hey there. I know this isn't quite what you guys go for or what I've seen in this thread so far, so I don't know if it counts as off-topic or not, but since I haven't been able to share any of my recent analog recording projects yet, I thought I'd give you this: I was able to pull...
  11. Hammerstone

    My current tape stock

    ...of cassettes, anyway. I shot this on Fuji Velvia 100 slide film, needed to use up the roll :) (not pictured: the Polaroid C-90 and Audio Pro/BASF 771&799 tapes I've been trying out the last year or so) I've been pretty fortunate to come across some nice bulk lots at thrift stores over...
  12. Hammerstone

    A Tascam 25-2 for $250: worth it?

    There's a Tascam 25-2 not too far from me for $250 at the moment, when I saw the ad I jumped on it because it was a picture of a Tascam 42, but obviously the guy selling just found the first picture he could find and didn't bother to take any of his own, which is disappointing because a Tascam...
  13. Hammerstone

    Noise reduction after digitizing tapes

    Hey guys, question for you about noise reduction: Just what are my non-software options after I've already digitized the tape? I decided that the release of my album Lacrimosa is probably too lo-fi even for my ears and am trying to do what I can about that. I transferred my multi tracks to...
  14. Hammerstone

    Arturia Minibrute problems--what would you guys suggest?

    Hey guys. I just made a (for me) big purchase yesterday, an Arturia Minibrute analog synth. I picked it up last night, made a cursory check to make sure everything worked, then brought it home. Just playing with it this morning, it was a joy to use, for about an hour, but now it's developed a...