Recent content by fiber

  1. F

    Speaker Stands

    I currently have a pair of JBL LSR4328's and the JBL LSR4312 sub. I'm looking at re-doing a few things, but I'm wanting to put a bit more emphasis on speaker placement - but I need to get some stands I can put behind my desk. I am looking at the Sound Anchor's STUDADJR...
  2. F

    Need soundcard recommendations.

    While this is not geared towards recording specifically, I'm sure a few of you here may have some ideas on a card to get based on my requirement's. Requirements are a followed: 1) PCI Interface 2) S/PDIF Coaxial Input and Output 3) #2 is to NOT be on any sort of breakout cable, etc. I'd prefer...
  3. F

    How would you soundproof this room?

    I have a room that is 10.5' by 9.5' and I am going to finish it off. The only thing right now are the stud's. I listen to music at a high volume (but safe), and it makes my parents quite angry. I'm looking for the best way to soundproof the room. I'm not worried about acoustic's at this time...
  4. F

    Beginner keyboard suggestions

    I'm very tempted to start playing piano, and am looking for a simple MIDI keyboard. I only want it to have 88 key's and perhaps be fully weighted key's. I have looked at the Fatar, and I like it - but any other suggestion's?