Recent content by DrDos40

  1. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    Thanks. I am very interested in how it sounds. I understand you have to tweek them a bit but Ima gonna go for it. If it screws up well I'll just go by a muti-effects unit, in fact I have a DOD Demsion 3 being worked on at the electronics place but they say there is nothing better than old school...
  2. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    Well then I'll change to 9 and take from there to the TANK and then back to FX 1 ret only with "Y" jack so I can have stereo. That makes sense. Thanks again Rob. You have been most helpful. I don't know what happened to Micks post on here but if you know him tell him I'm going with yamaha...
  3. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    Well, it's not called a pan it is called a "Tank" Well R, I have been thanking all along. I've gotten confused a bit and I confused the heck out of Rob but I think we got it together now.
  4. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    LOL. see pick for pan, however it is actually called a reverb TANK. But I get it. I'm going to make a copy of everything you have said and go over it with a fine tooth comb. So, I have put a XLR to send out to the TANK from channel 11 in the red fader section (EQ to). Now I'm going to come back...
  5. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    And I should say [ any channel I chose with the effects knob] not each channel insert. Thanks
  6. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    Okay, LOL, perhaps I should explain further. I have taken out the reverb pan from the non-working Sunn PA. So now I have a reverb pan that I have mounted correctly in a box by itself. The reverb pan itself has 1 RCA input jack and 1 RCA out jack. I have effectively saved 20 bucks. I thought I...
  7. DrDos40

    Hello everyone.

    Click track? I must have forgotten it. Hmmm, joke?
  8. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    The reverb pan came from a Sunn SR 8520 mixer, so it has an RCA for input and a RCA for the send. and I have two (2) 1/4" to RCA patch cords. One for the send and one for the return. But what I want to do is have reverb capability for ALL channels not just using the insert for each channel when...
  9. DrDos40

    Hello everyone.

    Thanks all, I appreciate it. So Mick, I have sound Peavey SP2a's but they just took up to much room so, because I am near broke I picked up a set of Radio Shack 06a11's which are less in weight and more boxy in size. They have 15's in them and tweeters plus so probably gonna be too loud for this...
  10. DrDos40

    Hello everyone.

    My name is D. Jay Thompson. I was involved in sound but it was over 40 years ago, remember when we all wanted to be rock stars? Well I'm retired now and even though I studied for while at Headen West studios in Shamburg ILL. that was 40 years ago and my memory is not as sharp as it was. So, now...
  11. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    Nope I am not full. Going to use only 16 faders. So I assume I have two effects returns, then for stereo I would have to get "Y" jacks for the return into the board and use an XLR to RCA out from 11 or 12 to the pan? Then I can run reverb to any individual fader I wish it to be in and I won't...
  12. DrDos40

    Using a reverb pan on a Soundcraft Spirit Monitor 2

    I can't find any Aux/send outs on this monitor mixer. I think they only put them on the Soundcraft Live board. Is there any other way (besides using the 200ohm headphone jack) to get a signal to the fax return. I have one RCA jack to 1/4" for the in and the same for the out. I need at least 150...