Recent content by buenoblue

  1. B

    Mic sound/volume in windows 11

    I've just upgraded to windows 11 and my mic sounds completely different. I have to turn up the gain on my USB interface to 3/4 to sound the same volume as windows 10 at 1/4 gain. Plus the mic just sounds completely different. Anyone else experience this? I've checked all the input volume and...
  2. B

    New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

    Lol true. I really wish I had kept my memory cards from back then, or at least a copy of them. Would be good for a laugh. The PS1 dsp and sound capabilities were actually pretty descent for 1995. Music 2000 was pretty good too for what it was. If I remember it had over 400 instruments and...
  3. B

    windows input level

    I installed asio4all and it seems to be working with 64ms latency. The sound when recording is magnitudes better than what I had before with wasapi drivers. I'll see how it goes for now but I probably will get a focusrite 2I2.
  4. B

    windows input level

    Thanks for the advice. Ill look into it.
  5. B

    windows input level

    Yeah cheers for checking. I tried using asio driver and it bybasses the windows stuff I think and sounds a lot better. No longer blown out and the mic sounds so much better more along the quality I was expecting. Trouble is it seems laggy and has popping sounds so I think I'm just gonna ungrade...
  6. B

    New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

    Hey peeps. I was into making rap music and mixing in the late 90s to early 00s. But the technology I had back then was ancient even for back then. I was even using a PS1 and music 2000 with the mic addon at one point. But I met a girl and got married and just stopped doing it. Fast forward to...
  7. B

    windows input level

    Yeah thereis so little information on th internet i asume everyone is leaving it on default. The record level in control panel on windows then the sound option just for clarification. The record level in that menu defaults to 64 out of 100 for me. I just assume you want the max input level from...
  8. B

    windows input level

    Cheers for the advice. I have been turning down the windows input but wasnt sure if im losing dynamic range. Sorry to be a pain but do you mean knock down the windows sounds recording level to 40-50 or is there a setting in the daw for changing input level?
  9. B

    windows input level

    Yeah Something is definitly not right on my setup. I have windows record input at 100 and my usb interface gain kbob turned right down to 0 and im hitting the red in the peak meter at 0 volume/gain level in DAW. Do i turn down the gain/Volume in the DAW to get it to the desired gain before...
  10. B

    windows input level

    Thanks for the response mate. I have an AKG p220 mic and behringer UMC22 usb interface. If i have windows volume at 100 i have to turn the gain down to probaly less than 10 percent on the dial. Even then with the volume at naught in cakewalk its very very loud. Is this normal?
  11. B

    windows input level

    Hi there all, I have a simple question. What do people use for the windows recoring input level? ive searched google and cant find any mention of it. On my windows 10 the default was 64 out of a hundred. does anyone change this? should i have it at 100 then adjust the gain on my usb interface...