Recent content by Bert

  1. B

    Which should i choose?

    Man, It has been forever since I posted here. Recording going fine but I have question. If I was going to buy a computer to record my music on what should I chose? I need to know whcih would be the cheapest but still good. Would an imac suffice? Or should I go PC? I know you guys repeat...
  2. B


    Yamaha aw4416 worth the money or should i wait till its cheaper? bert
  3. B

    Acid and Soundforge

    Hey dudes, I have been asked by a friend to investigate both soundforge and acid but am completely ignorant about them. Could anyone give me a brief out line of what these babies do and whether they are worth the money. Cheers and sorry for my ignorance. Bert
  4. B

    PK Files

    More questions. What is a PK file which gets created every time I open any wave forms? Is it essential and if not how do I get rid of them? I have unchecked the non-audio information save button but to no avail. It does it even if there is no copyright, author etc in the info area. Thanks...
  5. B

    Imperfect looping

    Hey dudes When I record and save the wave form everything is fine until I reopen it at some point. When I do this Cool Edit cuts off a tiny amount, or rather adds a tiny amount. It means that I cannot loop a nice piece unless I re-cut it. Am I doing something wrong or is there anything I can...
  6. B

    Which is best?

    Hey, I was thinking about buying the Yamaha AW44-16 but a friend told me not to bother. It would be more benificial to buy a computer. What i want to know is whether it makes sense. I already use Cool Edit Pro for mastering and I know it would be a lot easier if I already had the raw files...
  7. B

    Dr-202 copyright issue

    Hey dudes I have got another question about the Dr-202. What I want to know is whether or not the preset patterns including the bass line that accompanies them are subject to copyright. Or can I use them in my own projects? I know that the demo song composed by some dude on the box is...
  8. B

    Robotic voice

    Hey cool edit dudes. I have some voices that i want to make quite mechanical, much like the stephen hawking sound, and the sound that radiohead used on fitter happier. Is there a setting on cool edit pro which does the job. I've tried flanging it and then putting on a chorus and then detuning...
  9. B

    Which multitrack software

    After years of being a die-hard musician I have finally seen the light and need for computers in the studio. What I want to know is what software is the best for multitrack recording? Thats it! Cheers dudes Bert
  10. B


    A friend of mine has one of these babies and i have been playing around with it and i like what i hear. Are there any ways i can get different sounds on it apart from just tweeking the knobs and sliders on the panels? What i mean is, anything to download and put on it. The sounds are cool but...
  11. B


    alright guys. as anyone who owns one of these babies is aware, they are hiss city. trying to record one is a nightmare. anyone got any suggestions as to how to make it sound better? i put it through a compressor and limiter with the mid turned down on the mixer and yet it still manages to...
  12. B

    Need a Beck sound!

    Does anyone know how i can get my vocal to sound like "Beck's shouting through a mega-phone sound"? At the moment I am going through a guitar effects unit with a well overdriven wah, but it produces far too much noise. is there a dedicated unit to do this? any help would be rad guys. Cheers...
  13. B

    Noise, Compressors and other things i want to kill

    I am putting my vocal through a ZOOM RFX 1000 and then direct into a Yamaha MD4s. It still produces residual noise. The ZOOM has a compressor/limiter setting on it but this seems to have little effect. The same happens if I try to feed my guitar through it. One way of reducing it is to cut...
  14. B

    drum machine nightmare

    i have a boss dr-202 groove it a lot. i am trying to get this little baby to record onto a yamaha md4s. the only problem is that the little bastard creates enough HISS to obscure the sound of a concorde taking off when i try to record it! i knew it was a HISSY little fella...