Recent content by b00n

  1. B

    Original Song: Well meant ain't well done, Southern Rock-ish kinda thang...

    Hey guys and gals, after some years of just doing writing demos and occasional demo recordings for acoustic duos, I decided to do a small EP of original songs, start to finish. I had to move on the way, so I had to change rooms and I'm still not totally used to my new environment, so I'd like...
  2. B

    El Cheapo Lavalier mics for on site video speech recording

    Hi there, guys and gals, does anyone of you have experience with cheap lav mics? I would need them once in a blue moon, to enhance speech intelligibility and suppress ambient noise for video shoots. Capture would be either a small handheld recorder or a a laptop with an USB powered interface. I...
  3. B

    Heavy Duty Mic Stand

    Latch Lake has got a pretty new small mic stand in their product line. This should do everything you need. If I have heavy stuff to put on a boom I usually use counterweights, there are nice and convenient ones from Manfrotto, for ligthing hardware: Not as cost effective as sandbags, though.
  4. B

    Vocalists primer: Seriously, get your sh*t together!

    Hello everyone, as I am in the process of rehearsing with a singer for a gala date, I really have to vent some stuff, and I think I can do it in a way that some of you guys and gals might benefit from, be it singers in a duo, band or for studio dates. I am a guitarist and thus sideman...
  5. B

    MXR Carbon Copy

    Hi guys and gals, just got my carbon copy, and it is so much fun! I already spent a whole hour making weird noises and new age-y ambiences... Awesome! Just needed to share my happiness over a thoroughly inspiring piece of gear. :guitar: The metallic green paint job is nearly reason enough to...
  6. B

    OK, so what was Greg's "crime" this time?

    Wat? Bashing the Beatles is not a bannable offence in here? :eek: How low can you get. ;)
  7. B

    Bass editing and phase relationship with drums

    Hello everyone, first posting in ere, so go easy on me. I have a maybe stupid question, right now I'm mixing a track that needs very heavy bass editing, as the bass does not lock at all with the drums. So, I am getting into editing territory for the first time. When editing that stuff, I use...