Recent content by Analoguy

  1. Analoguy

    since this is a recording technique page.....

    since this is a recording technique thread i think i'll throw one out there. sure most people have thought of this but i think it's the shit when yer short a multitrack recorder....... so your sitting there thinking yer fucked cuz al ya gots is a in\out tape recorder and a little mixer. 'man...
  2. Analoguy

    GENIUS IDEA! (must read)

    me and my friend were sitting jamming feverously one afternoon and when we get together this mathy, indie, progressive thing happens that seems unreal sometimes so we will sit down, get our minds right then start playing spontaneously and we think of the coolest stuff. well to get to the point...
  3. Analoguy

    rewind on 4-track? broke!

    so i have this ol' 4-track teac simulsinc recorder everything works great on it except a couple years back i flipped the switch to rewind/fastforward mode and when i did i saw a spark inside through the cracks and the rewind would work every now and then just start spinning when you press the...