Recent content by alanarbor

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    Short little song about driving cross country Acoustic Guitar, Steel Guitar, and vocals. I picked up a little hiss from the tremelo effect.
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    UFO Cover tune

    I'm not usually one for doing covers but, I really dig the UFO song "the wild one" Since I don't have the guitar chops of a Vinne Moore, I had to adapt the intro to my skill level. This is just a start, but I'm looking for some...
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    An old one

    This was one of my first recording and mixing attempts. It uses both live and electronic drums. It's short, but I have sentimental attachment to it. Listening to it now, I really wish I still had the original tracks, so I could revisit it and play with it more. Since I don't, any ideas what...
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    Drunk Bastards in the studio

    I debated posting this track from the summer, but what the hell. This was conceived, recorded and mixed in about 2 hrs when were drinking heavily. All percussion is from found objects. (empty beer cans, the desk, hand claps etc) So sit back and enjoy a complete musical clusterfuck! Hot T Momma
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    1:30 in the eighties

    I was mucking around a while back, and this is what came of it. It's just a short riff/sketch kinda thing but I keep thinking I need to make something more of it.
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    Divided Heart new mix.

    Thanks to advice I recieved in this Unfortunately titled thread I have remixed the song. Changes: Separate the guitars more Get some better drum samples Fix the pitch on the vocals bring the bass up Other eqing, etc. Take a listen. All comments are welcome!
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    My Latest Musical Masturbation

    Listen to it here: A few notes: The venerable Alesis SR-16 provided the rythym section. Hopefully we'll be able to track some real percussion in later. Vocals were run through an outboard compressor, Mic was a Samson c01 condensor. Other...
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    Mic Preamp

    I have been using the preamps in my yamaha mixing board for recording mic'd amplifiers and also for vocals. Is there any benefit in getting a preamp specifically for vocals, or would I be better off investing in a higher quality microphone for vocal work or both? Reccomendations that won't...