Recent content by 1ManGarageBand

  1. 1

    Shure SM7 vs. Sennheiser MD421 for Vocals??

    Hi-- I've been reading a lot about the SM7 for vocals. I've got an MD421 large diaphram dynamic that I've never tried on vox. Is the SM7 significantly better than the MD421 for vocals? Thanks! --David
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    Figure-8: Acoustical Isolation for the Unused Side?

    Hi-- I recently got my first figure-8 pattern mic (Oktava ML-52 ribbon). How do you acoustically isolate the back side when you don't want to pick up the room (recording vocals)? I've got a 6' rockwool gobo but it's a nuisance. Will auralex 2" mic isolation foam pads work? Any simple or...