More masking - time to fire up the (D) cheat machine

leddy: "Yeah but...but you're not considering all the covid deaths among those who were asymptomatic who never even knew they were carrying the virus.........…......shut up it does so make sense!! 😡"
I didn’t realize I could just make shit up and say you said it. This changes everything.
No, it's well proven that masks do not stop CO2 from being expelled. They stop PARTICULATES, which includes spittle possibly carrying viruses. Pretty simple 'science', not sure why you anti-maskers can't understand that. It's all about particle size.

Simply put:
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Plenty of tests done with OSHA approved CO2 meters used properly that dispute what you’re study says.
Everything is made to be political....

Including COVID, masks, vaccines, boosters....lots and lots of boosters. Because shut up, wingnut.
And guns, abortion, climate, etc.

Individualism vs collectivism. We don’t want a nanny state telling us what we can or can’t do. Problem is, that’s not who the republicans are anymore. You’ve developed toxic individualism. Your rights should end where mine begin, but they don’t. You pass laws to restrict what someone else can do with their body. You flood the streets with guns so innocent people get killed. The covid fight was an extension of that. You wanted the freedom to walk around with a communicable disease without any consideration for others. Again I’ll concede that blue states often went too far, but you guys are getting way too dramatic about masks.
Weird... wonder why OSHA requires masks for certain things if they just flat out don't work... I mean... why has anyone in the world ever even worn a mask? Who invented them and then Snake Oiled people? Why do ("inferior") foreign countries wear masks and understand how they work, but "good ol' 'Murican" boys and girls don't understand? How can that be? Here is a pet rock.
You flood the streets with guns so innocent people get killed.
This speaks to your rational, objectively factual take on things.

Yes, Republican lawmakers stand on the street corners handing out guns in Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc. which is clearly the explanation as to why their strict gun laws don't work. It's absolutely *not* because of a high percentage of those willing to commit crime.
This speaks to your rational, objectively factual take on things.

Yes, Republican lawmakers stand on the street corners handing out guns in Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc. which is clearly the explanation as to why their strict gun laws don't work. It's absolutely *not* because of a high percentage of those willing to commit crime.

It's because it's easy to get guns. It's easy peasy.
This speaks to your rational, objectively factual take on things.

Yes, Republican lawmakers stand on the street corners handing out guns in Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc. which is clearly the explanation as to why their strict gun laws don't work. It's absolutely *not* because of a high percentage of those willing to commit crime.
There have always been, and always will be people willing to commit crime. Regulating guns less than we regulate cars, antibiotics, beer, etc is beyond ridiculous. Yours is an irrational, objectively anti-social take on things.
Try not to desecrate the Capitol and beat up Capitol police officers when Trump loses.
I see you bought the leftist hype. :facepalm:
Nevermind the scores of antifa riots where people died and 100 times more damage was done.
Lefties be like... "Come along, Timmy... there's nothing to see here"
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brassplyer said:
This speaks to your rational, objectively factual take on things.

Yes, Republican lawmakers stand on the street corners handing out guns in Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc. which is clearly the explanation as to why their strict gun laws don't work. It's absolutely *not* because of a high percentage of those willing to commit crime.
There have always been, and always will be people willing to commit crime.
Okay - which doesn't change that other than situations where someone doesn't realize something is a crime someone has to be willing to commit crime for a crime to occur. I doubt that anyone is going to inadvertently do a drive-by, carjacking, hold up a liquor store, rob someone at an ATM, shoot someone in a gas station parking lot because they're pissed off, etc. etc.

Regulating guns less than we regulate cars, antibiotics, beer, etc is beyond ridiculous.
Really? There are a number of states that allow illegals to have a driver's license. While there are restrictions on who can legally drive a car, as far as I can determine there's no such thing as a "prohibited possessor" when it comes to ownership of a car or any obligation for a car seller commercial or private to verify someone's criminal or immigration status.

On the other hand there are laws related to prohibited possessors of firearms regardless of the circumstances of how one obtains it. There are -0- states where it's legal for someone who knows they're an illegal alien to own or possess a firearm, there are specific laws related to whether a convicted felon can legally own a firearm. It's always illegal to steal a gun. Using a gun fired or not in the commission of a crime generally enhances the penalty for the crime. AFAIK it doesn't make a difference whether the gun is even loaded or an actual firearm as opposed to a toy, pellet gun, etc.

Now you may not be aware of this - there are people who deliberately don't obey the law. When someone knowingly commits a gun crime 100% of the time it comes down to whether one is willing to knowingly commit a crime. I realize that personal responsibility and holding people accountable for their actions just aren't part of your lexicon.

I haven't seen you explain how Republicans are "flooding the streets with guns". Curiously I can't find a single instance of where any criminal got a gun from a Republican lawmaker who was standing on the street handing out guns. I can't find any instance of a Republican lawmaker who's come out in favor of crime and criminality. I do find examples of Democrat DAs who go easy on criminals - it's interesting that high-crime cities like St. Louis, Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc. are run by Democrats.

Elsewhere you mentioned "Wild West" scenarios - interesting that all those Democrat crime cities are a lot closer to that than Florida that has Constitutional Carry. You've made it clear that it's your fantasy that Florida becomes a wasteland of lawlessness just so you can rub your hands together and gleefully say "See? See?!?" but it remains true that those who weren't predisposed to violent crime before still aren't.

What do you think about making it universal that when someone committing a crime is shot by someone defending themselves or someone else from said criminal that no litigation can be brought by any party against the person that shot the criminal. I word it that way because of a particularly insane case I'm aware of where a woman was saved from being murdered by her ex-husband by a good Samaritan with a gun and *she* sued the good Samaritan who saved her life over her lost alimony income. The case was dismissed but it never should have been allowed to be filed in the first place.
I see you bought the leftist hype. :facepalm:
Nevermind the scores of antifa riots where people died and 100 times more damage was done.
Lefties be like... "Come along, Timmy... there's nothing to see here"
The riots were deplorable, but they were created by opportunistic thugs, not the potus. I didn’t vote for those opportunistic thugs. You voted for the potus.

Furthermore, the legit protests (not the riots) were protesting police brutality and racism. The illegitimate Jan 6 riot was caused by a lying potus.

Surely you see a difference?
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I haven't seen you explain how Republicans are "flooding the streets with guns".
You put way too many words in my mouth to bother responding. Focus on one point at a time.

For starters, there is no limit on the number of guns one can own, for the most part. This makes straw purchasing a bigger problem. One straw purchaser can put dozens of guns on the street in a short time frame. If we limited the quantity someone could have, unless they obtained a collector license or something and then had to maintain inventory and show proof of ownership. Selling a gun privately without documentation should be stopped - it should only take place at some sort of administrative place similar to the DMV. Periodic random audits should be done. Purchase a gun and don’t have it? That’s a problem for you. Claiming it stolen would suspend your ability to buy more if you were suspected of illegally selling it.

That’s how republicans are flooding the streets with guns - not having any controls around straw purchases.
No guns. No gun crimes. See how that works?

Also... while no one is "for" burning anything down, burning down a Walmart by a bunch of idiots is just a bit different from burning down the Capital Building by a bunch of cultists... I understand that some people fail to view it this way because they identify with one and not the other... and want the one that they don't identify with to be "just as bad" as the one that they would have been a part of had there been no consequences...
brassplyer said:
I haven't seen you explain how Republicans are "flooding the streets with guns".
You put way too many words in my mouth to bother responding. Focus on one point at a time.

For starters, there is no limit on the number of guns one can own, for the most part. This makes straw purchasing a bigger problem. One straw purchaser can put dozens of guns on the street in a short time frame. If we limited the quantity someone could have, unless they obtained a collector license or something and then had to maintain inventory and show proof of ownership. Selling a gun privately without documentation should be stopped - it should only take place at some sort of administrative place similar to the DMV. Periodic random audits should be done. Purchase a gun and don’t have it? That’s a problem for you. Claiming it stolen would suspend your ability to buy more if you were suspected of illegally selling it.

That’s how republicans are flooding the streets with guns - not having any controls around straw purchases.
Because it makes nothing but sense to you that the most obvious option for gangbangers and other street criminals is to pay full freight on guns from a retail store when guns can be had more cheaply via other sources.

Sources I find indicate that while it happens retail purchase straw or otherwise isn't how street criminals typically obtain guns.

Interesting how quick and willing you are to impinge on the rights of non-criminals.

What do you think about making it universal that when someone committing a crime is shot by someone defending themselves or someone else from said criminal that no litigation can be brought by any party against the person that shot the criminal?
Because it makes nothing but sense to you that the most obvious option for gangbangers and other street criminals is to pay full freight on guns from a retail store when guns can be had more cheaply via other sources.

Sources I find indicate that while it happens retail purchase straw or otherwise isn't how street criminals typically obtain guns.
Nearly every gun starts its life through retail sale. Whoever purchases the gun from its first sale needs to retain it and be able to prove they still have it if asked. If they sell it or give it away, the gun should have a title that transfers with it like a car and the new owner now takes the same responsibility. That would slow guns from entering the black market. Reporting a gun stolen immediately raises suspicion as it can be cover for illegal sale, or at the very least you are not safeguarding it properly. Therefore you can possibly be suspended from additional purchases, at least for a period of time.
Interesting how quick and willing you are to impinge on the rights of non-criminals.
Are my rights impinged because I have to register my car and transfer the title on sale? Interesting how you refuse to do anything to help cut down innocent people dying. You’d keep your ability to own guns. You’d be very slightly inconvenienced. The fight you put up to resist speaks volumes of your character.
What do you think about making it universal that when someone committing a crime is shot by someone defending themselves or someone else from said criminal that no litigation can be brought by any party against the person that shot the criminal?
Civil or criminal? Both? That’s what we have courts for. We also can purchase liability insurance. I have to have it for my work. Why should anyone else get a pass from the government? I see your point though, and I wouldn’t care that much, but if the self defense shooting didn’t meet the legal standard and was not justified, then no, they could be charged or sued.
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No guns. No gun crimes. See how that works?
What's your plan when some tweaker breaks into your house at night or threatens you with a knife at an ATM?

Also... while no one is "for" burning anything down, burning down a Walmart by a bunch of idiots is just a bit different from burning down the Capital Building by a bunch of cultists... I understand that some people fail to view it this way because they identify with one and not the other...
Who burned down the Capitol?

Oh yeah that happened right after I advocated taking away people's right to wear masks.
Tweaker tweakers everywhere! Plans and more plans. Feed the fear. How is it working out for you? How many tweakers have assaulted you that your plan is to shoot them with guns? I assume that is your plan. You like guns.

Who burned down a Walmart?
brassplyer said:
Because it makes nothing but sense to you that the most obvious option for gangbangers and other street criminals is to pay full freight on guns from a retail store when guns can be had more cheaply via other sources.

Sources I find indicate that while it happens retail purchase straw or otherwise isn't how street criminals typically obtain guns.
Nearly every gun starts its life through retail sale. Whoever purchases the gun from its first sale needs to retain it and be able to prove they still have it if asked. If they sell it or give it away, the gun should have a title that transfers with it like a car and the new owner now takes the same responsibility. That would slow guns from entering the black market. Reporting a gun stolen immediately raises suspicion as it can be cover for illegal sale, or at the very least you are not safeguarding it properly. Therefore you can possibly be suspended from additional purchases, at least for a period of time.
Amusing little dance you're doing away from your initial, incorrect assertion that straw-purchases are how the streets are being "flooded with guns".

and be able to prove they still have it if asked...

...when the Stasi comes calling.

You have the soul of a bureaucrat in a tyrannical statist regime.


Here 'ya go - salute your flag.

Amusing little dance you're doing away from your initial, incorrect assertion that straw-purchases are how the streets are being "flooded with guns".
Bullshit. I’ve been consistent. You’re the one that moves the goalpost the moment you’re exposed. I literally said “for starters”. You wanted to assert that guns come from somewhere else, as if they don’t nearly all start with a retail purchase. That’s where their life begins, and that’s where they get need to get registered nationally.
and be able to prove they still have it if asked...

...when the Stasi comes calling.

You have the soul of a bureaucrat in a tyrannical statist regime.
Fear-mongering bullshit so you can keep jerking off to your guns and blaming black people for the violence. Good news, you can still do that if they’re registered. Maybe one day you’ll personally know someone who was affected by your nonsense and then you’ll grow some fucking compassion.