Your most embarrassing moments on stage?

I knew these guys in another band that decided they were going to do fireworks on stage at the very end of the last tune.

We were on our way to the top ..There we were in the Sunset Towers corner of Sunset and Vine in Hollyweird...Sitting with Bill Wall and he was going to take us there. At the time he was managing this black chick that he was pretty sure was going to be a star..Donna Summer. He wanted to promote a few rock bands and he really liked us and wanted to work with us. He decided he'd put on a couple shows at the Aquarius Theatre and we'd be the headlining act at the second one..Wow the Aquarius...Yep and he'd run ads in the LA Times in their Sunday Calendar...we'd made the big time...Bigger n shit there we were.

So the contract to play the Aquarius was several pages...all kinds of rules. This was a cool set up with a stage that rotated 360 degrees. As one band played on the one half, behind the curtain in the middle of this rotating stage the other band was setting up. First band finishes and in just a few minutes the next band is ready to go. We were on our way. Mind you we had already played the normal small club gigs at the Troubadour and the Starwood a few times but the Aquarius, this was bold...It was a theatre for Broadway plays not rock shows. It was huge and cooooool!

Well we were all happy as pigs in slop about this opportunity. Plastering LA with posters on the telephone poles. And there we were in the LA times Calendar in just two weeks we were going to get out chance to play in front of a ton of big wigs from with A&R cats from most all of LA's major record labels.

So the first band at the first ever Rock concert at the Aquarius that was called "Up In Smoke" they were the opening act for another band Bill was trying to get launched. Guess they didn't read the rules or ignored them cause it was clear there were to be no Pyrotechnics. They come on stage play their first chords and the flash pots go off...Somehow it set the sprinklers off in the theater and the Aquarius became the Aquarium...True story...

It took months for the Aquarius to re-open our big gig was cancelled. Mr. Wall lost his ass and said no more working with stupid ass rock bands...sorry...
We were on our way to the top ..There we were in the Sunset Towers corner of Sunset and Vine in Hollyweird...Sitting with Bill Wall and he was going to take us there. At the time he was managing this black chick that he was pretty sure was going to be a star..Donna Summer. He wanted to promote a few rock bands and he really liked us and wanted to work with us. He decided he'd put on a couple shows at the Aquarius Theatre and we'd be the headlining act at the second one..Wow the Aquarius...Yep and he'd run ads in the LA Times in their Sunday Calendar...we'd made the big time...Bigger n shit there we were.

So the contract to play the Aquarius was several pages...all kinds of rules. This was a cool set up with a stage that rotated 360 degrees. As one band played on the one half, behind the curtain in the middle of this rotating stage the other band was setting up. First band finishes and in just a few minutes the next band is ready to go. We were on our way. Mind you we had already played the normal small club gigs at the Troubadour and the Starwood a few times but the Aquarius, this was bold...It was a theatre for Broadway plays not rock shows. It was huge and cooooool!

Well we were all happy as pigs in slop about this opportunity. Plastering LA with posters on the telephone poles. And there we were in the LA times Calendar in just two weeks we were going to get out chance to play in front of a ton of big wigs from with A&R cats from most all of LA's major record labels.

So the first band at the first ever Rock concert at the Aquarius that was called "Up In Smoke" they were the opening act for another band Bill was trying to get launched. Guess they didn't read the rules or ignored them cause it was clear there were to be no Pyrotechnics. They come on stage play their first chords and the flash pots go off...Somehow it set the sprinklers off in the theater and the Aquarius became the Aquarium...True story...

It took months for the Aquarius to re-open our big gig was cancelled. Mr. Wall lost his ass and said no more working with stupid ass rock bands...sorry...

Those fucking flash pots, firebug shit. I mean, I guess they were cool and not everyone had them. I just had a bad feeling about them. Yeah, I guess it was partly my fault for forgetting they were going to go off first song, one of 2 times they were to be used that night. But if there is any doubt of clearance..any doubt....don't pull the fucking trigger. I could have been hurt, badly hurt. I don't know if I was exactly embarrassed, hell, it probably looked cool as shit. Maybe. Initially I was more concerned with my guitar. It would have sucked if the logo and serial number was burned off the headstock. Parts of my hand was actually black, but other than melted strings my guitar was fine. A liiiittle tinge of brownish black on the sharp corners of the bottom of the headstock, to this day. Can't even tell it unless I point it out. Yeah, we were doing the eyeliner thing, pretty sure I was wearing tattered jeans, but no hairspray. I reckon thank God no hairspray.
Was playing in a band mid 80s. We were playing a dive most of us weren't particularly thrilled to play. Sorta dive bar upstairs, downstairs The Cellar. We basically never turned down a gig, we had bills to pay, loans. Moved up from doing the van and backseat thing to a nice sized box truck. Nice sound system with bells and whistles. Lights. Even had a spot light. We had 3 guys who ran sound and lights, all got an even cut, but we didn't have to lift a finger other than our personal equipment, only if we wanted to not have our shit in the back of the truck. Gig over, after party time. Public relations, if you catch my drift.

I was somewhat new to the band. Played second guitar, about 30% of the lead work. I was fine with that, low pressure and could shine on low duty. The other guitar player, he was one of those guys with his chick always stuck up his ass. Always. She came to every rehearsal, sat right in the middle of the room , and I shit you not read stuff like The National Enquirer. Would interject in band discussions. We just tried to ignore her.

So we were playing The Cellar. Gotta do what you gotta do. This skank chick kept coming up to the stage, gyrating and slowly lifting her shirt. The bartender would, "no no no, you can't do that!". But he was grinning, he was enjoying it and thought it was funny. She keeps doing it. She walks up again, the bass player kinda looked sideways at me, grinning. About the same time as the bass player looked out towards the audience up went her shirt. Full on titty bounce. The bass player missed several notes, and the bartender came out from behind the bar to usher her away from the stage.

Guitar players girlfriend. Yeah, of course she was sitting right up front near the stage, of course. I mean, there was no stage, we were setup right on the floor. She walks up to the stage mid song and rips the cord out of his LP. Mid song. He turns and places his guit in the stand. As he turns back around she grabs his guit and walks off with it and out the door. He follows.

The manager goes out and I follow. Drummer doubles as manager, no bullshit type guy, talks to the guitar player. Girlfriend of course interjects, he's finally not having it. "Shut the fuck up! Listen man, we got a gig to play. If you come back in we'll understand. If you don't you gotta understand." Guit player chose not to come back in. Light duty shine time over for me. Other than the lead singer we're now a 3 piece. Guit player came to next rehearsal but was stopped at the door. We were now officially a 3 piece. We had a much cleaner sound, and actually started getting much better higher paying gigs, but it was a lot of fucking work for me. After auditions we got another guitar player, but in actuality he wasn't much help. I was out voted. A really cool, fun guy with a good look, pretty much hired on personality and looks. I saw it as an opportunity to hire someone really badass, someone who could play better than even me. I wasn't hung up on ego. The new guy and the lead singer worked well together for the show, I just had to do all the work.

Of course there was the time the new guy got on the shoulders of the lead singer and was headed straight towards a ceiling fan. I saw it, but caution ain't rock n roll, so I was torn as to whether a warning might be good, or.....? But that's another story.
First gig with a new band. I was lead guitar. They were established, and I was brought in to bring some edge they wanted that the previous guitarist didn’t have.

I had two weeks to learn 20 some songs. Only one rehearsal. Yikes.

That first gig was packed with a Warner brothers A&R guy in the front row. Talk about pressure.

I was nervous as all hell. I completely froze for the first couple of songs. I mean my left hand completely froze, like it was paralyzed.

I rolled down my volume and just faked playing.

My hand function came back, and it ended up being a good show, but it was pure hell getting going.
A definite “I’ll never work in this town again” moment in my mind. :LOL:
First gig with a new band. I was lead guitar. They were established, and I was brought in to bring some edge they wanted that the previous guitarist didn’t have.

I had two weeks to learn 20 some songs. Only one rehearsal. Yikes.

That first gig was packed with a Warner brothers A&R guy in the front row. Talk about pressure.

I was nervous as all hell. I completely froze for the first couple of songs. I mean my left hand completely froze, like it was paralyzed.

I rolled down my volume and just faked playing.

My hand function came back, and it ended up being a good show, but it was pure hell getting going.
A definite “I’ll never work in this town again” moment in my mind. :LOL:
My philosophy has always been funk em all. If they think they can do better come on up here and give it your best shot.
Turns out I faked the first couple of songs so well that the audience wasn’t any the wiser. :D
People came up after the show telling me how great it was, but it took the sound guy a bit to get the sound right. They couldn’t hear my guitar for the first few tunes.

Yeah, right . The sound guy sucked 🤣

Sound guys get blamed for everything.
My philosophy has always been funk em all. If they think they can do better come on up here and give it your best shot.
Joke em if they can't take a fuck...

So about first gigs...It wasn't actually our first gig but it was my second gig with the band and surely the biggest gig any one in the band had ever played...OH SHIT...

Pasadena Civic auditorium.. Circa 1976 Max capacity with seating is @ 3000 but this was an open floor Battle of the was estimated there were over 5000 people. 4 stages where the bands would alternate and we all had to bring our own PA's. Van Halen competed in this one along with a lot of other later world famous players. So there I am my second REAL gig ever. I had been so focused on getting set up and getting ready I had no time to think about what we were going to do and what it was like to stand in front of 5000 peeps... We're ready to start, I look out into this ocean of people and all of sudden my frickin left foot starts shaking like a leaf on a tree. Honestly I was not in my conscience mind nervous but obviously my inner self had other feelings..I could not stop it...We start playing and we are killing it, the shaking stops, barely a few minutes into the set our cheap ass Peavey PA takes a dump and dies on us...Lead singer is Screaming the lyrics out to the crowd for the rest of the show.....that was weird and embarrassing. Oddly we did not win...neither did VH

That concert was the first and only time we made a pamphlet handout that had all of our original songs with the lyrcis printed. I was really proud of the songs , the lyrics and the deep meanings of them and wanted the folks to know what the hell we were singing about...BTW I had just joined the band so not a single one of the originals was my work...but I was stoked by the writings...the one cat was a total Genesis type song writer...heavy shit. So the pamphlet was kinda like in church and you open the hymnal and read the words as the praise band sings. It was a cool little pamphlet...we had only printed 2000 but they were everywhere out there....That little ploy put us on the freeking map in the valley..... suddenly people wanted to see this new prog rock band ..Our logo our band name and contact info was on that $100 of marketing we ever spent.
Turns out I faked the first couple of songs so well that the audience wasn’t any the wiser. :D
People came up after the show telling me how great it was, but it took the sound guy a bit to get the sound right. They couldn’t hear my guitar for the first few tunes.

Yeah, right . The sound guy sucked 🤣

Sound guys get blamed for everything.
True Dat! Frickin sound dudes..... :laughings:
I went to see Johnny Winter one time in the Sunshine Inn on N.J. Shore. My buddy elbows me and points to the girders holding
up the roof, and then the joists heading out over the stage, about twenty five feet above it. You know the rest of the story.
My most embarrassing moment occurred when playing in a band in a nursing home.
Not feeling too great that day. It was a warm day, and they had the heating turned up.
I was playing congas, and fainted, congas an' all.
Ambulance was called, and I fainted twice in that.
They took me to hospital and gave me a drip.
So, I'm playing bass in a band that's providing the music for this play that a group of Malaysian/Singaporeans were putting on for Chinese New Year in 1989. It was a big deal for them and on drums was a guy who couldn't play drums. He literally had learned to hit the snare and kick together in the time the rehearsals were going on. I had to sit right next to him and guide him through all the songs and what he should do and when to come in etc. He was a really funny guy, but the prop used as the shark in "Jaws" was a better drummer. But there was no one to play the drums so Dave Tan had volunteered and somehow, he'd convinced the people running the play to let him in.
Dang, when he used to do fills.....
It was like a tree falling down !
Anyway, the opening song was called "Hudson Taylor's land" or something like that, and it was supposed to start with me playing a C# on bass, simultaneously with this woman, Catherine, that was playing keyboards. Then I was supposed to slur up the E string and hit an E. I'd worked it so it was really dreamy and almost psychedelic, then as the piece progressed, Dave was meant to come in on drums and then the other band members were meant to come in and it was supposed to build to a climax with Dave and his flaming fills. But we'd practiced it and practiced it and he could get it, as long as he listened to me and didn't fly off on his own.
So while I wasn't exactly flowing with confidence, I wasn't envisaging anything going wrong. We got this !
So, the narrator comes out and does his thing and he had this great trick of ending his sentences with a flick of this fan. It used to bring the house down in rehearsals, it was so funny. And when he does it the first time, that's when the bass and keys were supposed to hit that C#.
So he does his flick and I come in loudly on the bass and Catherine's hands bang down on the keys of the piano and.........
I don't know what happened but our two opening notes are not the same ! Not only are they not the same, but they also sound so incongruous. They sound awful ! So I'm shocked, she's shocked, and I slur up to the E and she's adding her bits and both of us are totally out of tune with each other. But we'd tuned up beforehand. What the heck is going on ? So a few seconds in, I'm in a right panic, thinking that somehow, I'm out of tune. So I start to do a Hendrix, trying to tune my bass while playing and it's just getting worse ! By now, everyone's looking at me and I'm looking around at them shrugging my shoulders and trying to mute my volume and of course, being totally thrown by all this, I've forgotten that I'm supposed to be guiding Dave Tan as to when to come in and he doesn't know his cues without being told and after a while, he starts to guess and comes in at all the wrong times, the singers are thrown because they can't latch onto any tune, Catherine, who has proved to be moody and temperamental in the few months I've known her, starts pouting and stomping, Dave throws in fills without ever establishing a beat and the unrest spreads to the whole cast who, by this point are hoping the ground will open up and swallow us all. The audience either is utterly confused or is thinking 'what a load of shit' and probably wanting their money back {that's the polite version !} and by the time we reach what is supposed to be the climax of the opening number, a mess of enormous proportions has ensued and even though it is February and damn cold, I'm sweating like I'm in a sauna.
Flaming Nora !
When the song ends, there's recrimination amongst the musicians and accusations flying. And then we discover what happened. About 15 minutes before the start, these kids that were supposed to be piano prodigys were allowed to play the keyboard and they were incredible. Superb players.....but they were kids too and they couldn't resist mucking about with the transpose button and so they'd left the bloody keyboard in a completely different key. So I was actually in tune, but Catherine was fixed in another key and because she never needed to transpose {well, not using the button}, it didn't occur to her to look at the transpose button. Until that day, I'd never even heard of a transpose button ! And the key she was left in made the notes too high for the singers ~ even if they had been able to identify any semblance of a tune. And by trying to tune in the midst of the song, I was then out of tune to the guitars and the other instruments. And they were thinking they were out so some of them were trying to tune up. It wasn't even good avant~garde noise !!
Kids !
What a shambles. The rest of the play was an absolute disaster. Even though we located the problem and eventually tuned up, our confidence was shot. Nothing had any life in it, the actors weren't funny or convincing and kept fluffing lines that they'd been nailing in their sleep, we musicians were just 'meh'. We basically just played safe for the rest of the performance and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of Dodge.
One time in Connecticut I was on stage and 60's Guy came up. Oh the horror.
Catching up on my reading here. I had missed that post.

Nope! Never happened. I spent most of time videoing everyone else.

BTW, congrats on becoming clean and sober.

Also, congrats that you're going to become a Dad in the near future! The day that you hold that baby in your arms for the first time will be the best moment of your life.
Not Viewable but downloadable...I downloaded them ...watched the first one with our illustrious QQ taking on the lead vocals and MC position....Freeking Coooooool! when I have some time I'll upload em to my youtube channel and share em here.
That would be great if you uploaded the vids to your channel.