What happened?

Well you do the knee jerk thing and restrict gun ownership or make it really hard to get guns by licensing and background checks where you need a 100% clean record to get the simplest of single shot guns in small calibers.

We do that in the UK and other places...........But it doesn't stop that thing happening.............It doesn't stop unlicensed firearms...........It doesn't stop criminals getting guns or any kind of guns they want.

Proven 150%.
Yeah, gun control..I was a paramedic on the south side of Chicago for 12 years before RSA ARSA. We had 3 CAA shootings a year in 2001. That was 20 years ago. Its every morning now. Never assault rifles in broad daylight from hit teams at the light. What happened? Chicago has lost its mind.
(in my 20's) I was ...on the Lifestar helicopter transport team.
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Beaky Northern Ireland was allowed zero guns for years and its neighbour the Republic had all theirs restricted to a farmer with a single shot .22 rifle or shotgun.

This was policed by the British Army and the Army of the Republic together with normal police forces on both sides of the border.

Yet the people who wanted guns managed to get hold of basically everything under the sun including machine guns and sniper rifles including alleged heat seeking missiles. Not forgetting tons and tons of explosives.

Gun control and background checks really do worko_O.......not!

The only thing that restricted it proliferation and the attacks was boots on the ground and spot checks..........which led to more intelligence etc.
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Yet the people who wanted guns managed to get hold of basically everything under the sun including machine guns and sniper rifles including alleged heat seeking missiles. Not forgetting tons and tons of explosives.

Its all those energy drinks the kids consume. And video games like Grand Theft Auto. They expose themselves to the behavior.

My friends played Mass Effect multiplayer a long time ago. You play any games? I dont really anymore. Mass Effect was cool because REAL PEOPLE could not shoot real people in the game. Multiplayer was always same side. And the enemy was Aliens and Robots and Undead. With Green blood and a sci fi theme. It was not a realistic killing game where you could hunt people.
Weed is legal now in Chicago..When it all gets too much , what excuse you got? Smoke up johnny. Get high. Watch some TikTok videos with girls that have huge butts. Maybe don't shoot anybody. Eat a box of cookies.

Regulators mount up. You cant be no geek off the street! Shooting people like dogs. Teach them some values.

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There is an entire subculture that glorifies the thug/gangsta lifestyle. On Wiki, there is a list of over 50 hiphop/rap artists who have been shot and killed. Unfortunately, the kids have bought into it, hook, line and sinker. Its not just Chicago that has the problem. It's all across the country. Kids have no reason to have machine guns. You're not old enough to drink or vote, but you can have an AK47? It's stupid thinking, and it's proven deadly.

In the 60s, it was the drug lifestyle, and lots of great artists (and a lot of kids), died from overdoses. Today, it's guns, gangs and violence.
Kids have no reason to have machine guns. You're not old enough to drink or vote, but you can have an AK47? It's stupid thinking, and it's proven deadly.

Just to clarify I think most drugs were illegal in the 60's. But as you highlighted people must have had them to be killed by them.

Everybody I ever knew drank booze before the age they could legally. But nobody voted before the age they could. :unsure: :unsure:
Murderers. Every one in the picture is a party to. He might have pulled the trigger. But all of you there go down.

Screenshot 2021-06-26 172111.jpg

One dude, just made like nine as accomplices when he pulled the trigger.

Yeah, killing a mother with kids at home. Frames his buddies for murder. Real tough guy.
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Mick, that's a total copout. I'm sorry if I offend you, but the statistics are pretty clear.

Out of the 100+ homicides this year in my city, 94 were gun shots. 14% of the victims were 11-17, 30% were 18-24, and 28% were 25-34. 78% of the gun shot victims were black, and 91% were male. Its a gang/guns/drugs problem, and it's growing. They aren't shooting each other over who's Garden Club has the best petunias!
There is an entire subculture that glorifies the thug/gangsta lifestyle. On Wiki, there is a list of over 50 hiphop/rap artists who have been shot and killed. Unfortunately, the kids have bought into it, hook, line and sinker. Its not just Chicago that has the problem. It's all across the country. Kids have no reason to have machine guns. You're not old enough to drink or vote, but you can have an AK47? It's stupid thinking, and it's proven deadly.
Nope. It's the energy drinks the kids consume. And video games like Grand Theft Auto. And laws. :laughings:
Bingo! Of course it is the laws. However, there are efforts being made.

The Obama administration made efforts to end the "Schoolyard to Prison Pipeline". Some time ago IBleedBurghundy and I had a discussion on the matter. As I recall, he saying something about it being made up by Alex Jones, or something of the sort. But it is true, praise Obama. Minor offenses such as classroom disruption, being combative with school staff, and assaults on other students have often in the past resulted in students unfairly being overly disciplined, sometimes even suspended and unable to go to school to learn stuff! Obama planted the seed, and it is taking root. We are now seeing more widespread criminal justice reform. Relaxation in enforcement of laws with regard to victimless crimes such as shoplifting, no bail release and re-evaluation of the probation system's disproportionate impact on certain demographic segments of our population. Oh, and defund the police, because laws are hard!

Michelle Obama said it so succinctly. Every time she and Barrack's darling daughters leave the house she has to worry if she will ever see them alive again, because they are in grave danger of being shot by the police! You hear the same fear expressed by mothers all over the country. You know what I heard some racist say? Teach your children to obey the law, and teach them that if you have an encounter with the police, behave yourself and fight it in the courts rather than attempt to fight it on the street....because you will lose. Disgusting. I mean, come on, man. When you have what amounts to roughly 8% of the population tried AND CONVICTED in the courts of LAW of roughly just over 50% of the murders in this country, it might be a sign that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong. It is obvious that reform is desperately needed for these poor unfortunates.

One thing we should all support. Efforts to suppress the votes of voices who deserve to be heard such as the young men in that video should be soundly rejected. Whatever it takes, absentee ballot, mail-in, ballot harvesting, even a surrogate voter in their place, every vote should count. Hell, given all they have been through, they should get 2 votes. Maybe we can get someone in there like Obama, A healer of the racial divide, praise be upon him.
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Bingo! Of course it is the laws. However, there are efforts being made.

The Obama administration made efforts to end the "Schoolyard to Prison Pipeline". Some time ago IBleedBurghundy and I had a discussion on the matter. As I recall, he saying something about it being made up by Alex Jones, or something of the sort. But it is true, praise Obama. Minor offenses such as classroom disruption, being combative with school staff, and assaults on other students have often in the past resulted in students unfairly being overly disciplined, sometimes even suspended and unable to go to school to learn stuff! Obama planted the seed, and it is taking root. We are now seeing more widespread criminal justice reform. Relaxation in enforcement of laws with regard to victimless crimes such as shoplifting, no bail release and re-evaluation of the probation system's disproportionate impact on certain demographic segments of our population. Oh, and defund the police, because laws are hard!

Michelle Obama said it so succinctly. Every time she and Barrack's darling daughters leave the house she has to worry if she will ever see them alive again, because they are in grave danger of being shot by the police! You hear the same fear expressed by mothers all over the country. You know what I heard some racist say? Teach your children to obey the law, and teach them that if you have an encounter with the police, behave yourself and fight it in the courts rather than attempt to fight it on the street....because you will lose. Disgusting. I mean, come on, man. When you have what amounts to roughly 8% of the population tried AND CONVICTED in the courts of LAW of roughly 50% of the murders in this country, it might be a sign that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong. It is obvious that reform is desperately needed for these poor unfortunates.

One thing we should all support. Efforts to suppress the votes of voices who deserve to be heard such as the young men in that video should be soundly rejected. Whatever it takes, absentee ballot, mail-in, ballot harvesting, even a surrogate voter in their place, every vote should count. Hell, given all they have been through, they should get 2 votes. Maybe we can get someone in there like Obama, A healer of the racial divide, praise be upon him.
I'm sorry, but not even Obama and all his glory could keep energy drinks and video games out of the hands of these kids.
Bingo! Of course it is the laws. However, there are efforts being made.

The Obama administration made efforts to end the "Schoolyard to Prison Pipeline". Some time ago IBleedBurghundy and I had a discussion on the matter. As I recall, he saying something about it being made up by Alex Jones, or something of the sort. But it is true, praise Obama. Minor offenses such as classroom disruption, being combative with school staff, and assaults on other students have often in the past resulted in students unfairly being overly disciplined, sometimes even suspended and unable to go to school to learn stuff! Obama planted the seed, and it is taking root. We are now seeing more widespread criminal justice reform. Relaxation in enforcement of laws with regard to victimless crimes such as shoplifting, no bail release and re-evaluation of the probation system's disproportionate impact on certain demographic segments of our population. Oh, and defund the police, because laws are hard!

Michelle Obama said it so succinctly. Every time she and Barrack's darling daughters leave the house she has to worry if she will ever see them alive again, because they are in grave danger of being shot by the police! You hear the same fear expressed by mothers all over the country. You know what I heard some racist say? Teach your children to obey the law, and teach them that if you have an encounter with the police, behave yourself and fight it in the courts rather than attempt to fight it on the street....because you will lose. Disgusting. I mean, come on, man. When you have what amounts to roughly 8% of the population tried AND CONVICTED in the courts of LAW of roughly just over 50% of the murders in this country, it might be a sign that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong. It is obvious that reform is desperately needed for these poor unfortunates.

One thing we should all support. Efforts to suppress the votes of voices who deserve to be heard such as the young men in that video should be soundly rejected. Whatever it takes, absentee ballot, mail-in, ballot harvesting, even a surrogate voter in their place, every vote should count. Hell, given all they have been through, they should get 2 votes. Maybe we can get someone in there like Obama, A healer of the racial divide, praise be upon him.
I dont know whether you have a great sense of humour or for real.

But first explain how a crime is victimless such as you say 'shoplifting'.
Well, to be completely honest I don't fully understand it in its entirety. Of course I wouldn't, I am white. We whites should check our privilege and don't go rationalizing and whitesplaining. Regardless of any progress or the lack thereof in the right direction by reforms, it is the optics that really count. We have to actively support it, to not do so would be in itself racist. Just don't go whitesplaining.

Like I said, admittedly, I don't completely understand it all. Pretty much-->Whatever they say, just say that. An active passivity, of sorts.
I dont know whether you have a great sense of humour or for real.

But first explain how a crime is victimless such as you say 'shoplifting'.
I'm sorry, I should have attempted to more directly address your query. Within acceptable parameters, I will do my best.

From what I have been told, or from what I gather, or something......People are people, and property are property. People are not property, and property are not people. You can in inflict violence on people(except right wingers in which case it would be self defense rather than violence because right wingers are nazis...but that's another discussion). However if you, say, burn down a building, that is not violence. It's just property. There is no victim. So following that obvious logic, shoplifting property is a victimless crime.

Like I said, i'm still trying to work it out.....without questioning too much. It's a fine line one must take care to not cross.