The New Tone Thread

JDOD: Both clips are ok, but to me they lack in both low-end chunk, & clarity. The V30 clip has got that mid-hump in it that I recognize from my clips...You might wanna dial the mids down for that speaker, & bring the highs/lows up a bit....They're not terrible, but they sound a little boxy from the mids to me...
JDOD: Both clips are ok, but to me they lack in both low-end chunk, & clarity. The V30 clip has got that mid-hump in it that I recognize from my clips...You might wanna dial the mids down for that speaker, & bring the highs/lows up a bit....They're not terrible, but they sound a little boxy from the mids to me...

I agree with this, though it's very clear that the V30 is a huge upgrade. That tone is gonna be just right for your style once you dial it all in.
Yeah, I haven't altered any settings or done anything with it yet. But I agree, its a clear upgrade. Rhythm sounds clearer and less mushy, lead sounds much more articulate and crisp. I've just been sitting any playing randomly whenever I've had the chance just enjoying how it sounds.
I agree with this, though it's very clear that the V30 is a huge upgrade. That tone is gonna be just right for your style once you dial it all in.

Right, it's a huge change in the signal path. To me, the speakers play a very big role in the overall tone, & it should only get better with time. The more he gets used to it, & the more the speaker breaks in, it's gonna sound better...

I don't find my V30 "picky" like some speakers. Some of 'em it's hard to find "that" spot, where I think a V30 sounds pretty good from the get-go. Those T-75's are good speakers, but they're hard to find the sweet spot sometimes, or they are for me anyway...
Agreed. 75s sound great in a cab, in a room, but they're hard to close-mic really well. A butthair each way can make the track extremely woofy or extremely spiky.
Agreed. 75s sound great in a cab, in a room, but they're hard to close-mic really well. A butthair each way can make the track extremely woofy or extremely spiky.

Yep...I've got 5 of those speakers here too, 4 boxed up, & 1 in that god-awful Randall ISO cab I bought. That was a true waste of $$$...
Lol. Yeah, I think so. Your homemade iso box was way better.

It was man, without a doubt. But jeez that fuckin' thing was as big as my desk & weighed I dunno how much. It was so heavy, it took me & my brother both to lift it into his truck, from the back deck, & the truck's tailgate was right against it. Super fuckin' heavy, but it did sound pretty good for what it was...The Randall ISO is a waste of space here, I've tried to sell it locally, but nobody's interested. I could take a trip to GC with all the shit I've got I don't use, & might come out of there with something good, maybe. They don't give shit for trade-in value...

BTW, does GC buy used speakers man??? Just wondering....
It was man, without a doubt. But jeez that fuckin' thing was as big as my desk & weighed I dunno how much. It was so heavy, it took me & my brother both to lift it into his truck, from the back deck, & the truck's tailgate was right against it. Super fuckin' heavy, but it did sound pretty good for what it was...The Randall ISO is a waste of space here, I've tried to sell it locally, but nobody's interested. I could take a trip to GC with all the shit I've got I don't use, & might come out of there with something good, maybe. They don't give shit for trade-in value...

BTW, does GC buy used speakers man??? Just wondering....

Try Reverb man. I've bought and sold several things off of that site. I sold my DSL40C, a 50-pound beast of a combo amp, in just a few days. I charged the buyer $75 for shipping, made UPS pack it and ship it, and it was a done deal. GC will totally bend you over when buying used gear. It's just ridiculous. They offered me a little over $200 for my DSL. I sold it for $550 on Reverb, and could have gotten more if I weren't in such a hurry to sell it. UPS and FedEx have a shipping calculator on their website that'll give you a ballpark shipping estimate that you can go by. They'll ship pretty much anything!

Reverb will charge you about 3% of the total sale price (better than eBay charging 10%). And PayPal charges you another 3% if you choose to accept that as a form of payment.

All in all I think its an awesome way of getting rid of unused gear, and a great way to find good deals on other peoples' used gear.
Try Reverb man. I've bought and sold several things off of that site. I sold my DSL40C, a 50-pound beast of a combo amp, in just a few days. I charged the buyer $75 for shipping, made UPS pack it and ship it, and it was a done deal. GC will totally bend you over when buying used gear. It's just ridiculous. They offered me a little over $200 for my DSL. I sold it for $550 on Reverb, and could have gotten more if I weren't in such a hurry to sell it. UPS and FedEx have a shipping calculator on their website that'll give you a ballpark shipping estimate that you can go by. They'll ship pretty much anything!

Reverb will charge you about 3% of the total sale price (better than eBay charging 10%). And PayPal charges you another 3% if you choose to accept that as a form of payment.

All in all I think its an awesome way of getting rid of unused gear, and a great way to find good deals on other peoples' used gear.

Thanks Tad, I have an account there, I listed my Bogner Red pedal there, but ended up selling it to a guy in the Marshall forum, mainly because he bought it within the first couple days I put it up...

I've got a bunch of shit I don't use that I could sell, & use the $$$ from that for something's a quick list of what I can think of off the top of my head:

5 - Celestion G12T-75's 16 ohm
Randall ISO cab
Randall 1x12 cab
Orange PPC112

I'm even on the fence about my e-kit. I mean yeah, it's kinda like playing drums, but I end up editing the midi anyway, so...I really don't know if I'm gonna keep 'em or not, I'll have to do some thinking on it...
Fake Drums - Band In A Box + Real Player which is an add on component that came with the box.
My wife bought me the program a couple of years ago & I didn't need it because I have a DAW and can play bass + a little guitar. I needed fill in drums one day so I thought I'd look in the box.
It has Midi drums as well as Real player drums but RP doesn't have as many options or speeds.
For this project I used an older drum track as a metronome and recorded a bass line.
I exported the bass line & BIAB imported it.
Since I was in there I used the chord feature so as the bass was imported BIAB scanned it and blocked in chords on a chart.
I clarified where the 1st bar started and checked that the chords & bars matched the audio tweaked a few bars and then sent the chords into BIAB properly. At this point in time I could've taken the option to midi map the tempo etc but didn't as I wanted Real player drums.
I opted to dump the audio bass file at this point as I didn't want anything to give me grief inside the prog.
I went through the chords and put markers in where the progression changed V C V M8 etc.
I then auditioned drums styles - there were only 8 that matched the tempo.
I auditioned them and then allowed it to play through the one that I thought best fit.
NOW, here's where the amazing thing happened...
I minimized BIAB & booted up Reaper.
Set a new track for drums reduced Reaper and pulled up BIAB. I selected PLUG IN in BIAB &them start PLUG IN at which point BIAB shrinks to a smaller dialogue box I pulled up Reaper again and BIAB hovered over the top.
I then clicked Drums on BIAB and dragged the cursor to the drum track.
BIAB & Reaper talked to each other for about 3 minutes and then a wav. file of the drum arrangement appeared - and this is important, in a single stereo track in Reaper.
I then Selected BIAB Plug In & turned that off & minimized in again until I needed to confirm, redo or close it.
From there all I did was drop a little compression on the drums.
BIAB is really for people who can only sing or do very rudimentary instrument stuff (I can't sing) as it will generate full band backing with solos etc. I just use it for sketch drums.
I'll post this in Fake Drum land since some of you like the results and it's quite easy to use.
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OK, surfs been great all weekend so far so I've only just had a chance to sit down and upload a couple of tracks I recorded when I installed the new speaker. The first is my old Rocket 50, the second is the Vintage 30. All amp settings and mic placement are identical in both clips.

View attachment 96387

View attachment 96386

That V30 is the standout winner on my end with my listening devices. Needs a little tweak to get a bit more sparkle out of it but it sounds really great.

-edit- hold off on the sparkle, i just realized i had the pillow case dust covers on my monitors. disregard.
That V30 is the standout winner on my end with my listening devices. Needs a little tweak to get a bit more sparkle out of it but it sounds really great.

-edit- hold off on the sparkle, i just realized i had the pillow case dust covers on my monitors. disregard.
Haha, cheers Shan.

---------- Update ----------

Ray, that sounds too easy...
it is.
Greg & everyone else who noticed it,
Regarding the "dark" tone of my recording....
I've found, after checking that audio recorded through my Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 has a hyped bottom end and cuts off with a sharpish slope at a little over 5khz.
Any ideas on improving THAT tone?
it is.
Greg & everyone else who noticed it,
Regarding the "dark" tone of my recording....
I've found, after checking that audio recorded through my Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 has a hyped bottom end and cuts off with a sharpish slope at a little over 5khz.
Any ideas on improving THAT tone?
How did you find this out, Ray?
Bubba Po.
I looked at Freq charts in REAPER EQ comparing imported and FS recorded audio and went back through a few recent projects. The same issue appeared regardless of the source being guitar, bass or vocals. Only imported audio had a full freq. range.
In Faint Aroma the bass guitar bottom end was hyped and I had to use 3 EQs to tame it. I had to do the same with the latest project.
I can EQ the top end for some brightness BUT if there's nothing there it can only be improved by an enhancer that'll add missing freqs based on fundamentals. I even recorded a gtr track with an enhancer pedal (BBE Sonic Max) to hype the top end but it was to no avail - the track sloped off soon after 5Khz.
I'll try using external pres next weekend and external pres into the aux inputs as well to see if I can get a work around. I'd rather have the thing working properly though.
Bubba Po.
I looked at Freq charts in REAPER EQ comparing imported and FS recorded audio and went back through a few recent projects. The same issue appeared regardless of the source being guitar, bass or vocals. Only imported audio had a full freq. range.
In Faint Aroma the bass guitar bottom end was hyped and I had to use 3 EQs to tame it. I had to do the same with the latest project.
I can EQ the top end for some brightness BUT if there's nothing there it can only be improved by an enhancer that'll add missing freqs based on fundamentals. I even recorded a gtr track with an enhancer pedal (BBE Sonic Max) to hype the top end but it was to no avail - the track sloped off soon after 5Khz.
I'll try using external pres next weekend and external pres into the aux inputs as well to see if I can get a work around. I'd rather have the thing working properly though.
Wow. I've never heard of that before. Is there anything on the web?
Considering I've got a new speaker and it's been the weekend I've barely done any recording. Surf has been fucking great all weekend. Been great.