Camera Freaks, this is your thread!

Impressions of Newport Beach at sunset:

Ideal exposure happens when there are no blown highlights. In digital photography, once you got those, its like hitting the over 0db mark in digital audio. Better to shoot one stop faster and have it be a touch on the dark side which is always repairable in post. Blown highlights are near impossible to fix because the detail is lost in absolute white. Having said all that, there are many situations where you'd still want to blow the highlights for the sake of properly capturing the darker parts of the image. This is why learning to shoot in full manual mode is so important and cameras with live view make that task exponentially easier because you can see the finished result before you hit the shutter release button...just dial in the aperture and exposure setting until it looks right on the screen keeping an eye out for blown highlights.

Cheers! :)
Ideal exposure happens when there are no blown highlights. In digital photography, once you got those, its like hitting the over 0db mark in digital audio. Better to shoot one stop faster and have it be a touch on the dark side which is always repairable in post.
Thanks. That also invokes the audio analogy in that neither exposure perfection (no blown highlights) nor recording perfection (no signal clipping) have any causative association with an out of focus shot or an out of tune vocal, respectively.
Have you tried blending the two images for the HDR effect ?

Dont know if you have photoshop but Paintdotnet is a great alternative. The user community has created a wealth of plugins
I've only seen this effective on a series of shots taken within ms of each other with everything else kept the same.
My wife would love this thread. I bought her a camera for graduating her last year of college and she hasn't put it down since.
Steenamaroo was kind enough to take a decent pic of his Tascam DA-88 for me to turn into a wallpaper for him.

Here's the result...

Tascam DA-88 wallpaper.jpg

right click to download...

Cheers! :)