How important are scales and theory in your guitar playing?

Do you use theory and scales in your guitar playing?

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Looks as though someone finally hit a Gerg nerve. That one hit a little too close to home, huh? Better get off the topic in a hurry.

Yeah, because no one has ever called me a closet-gay before because I use words like "fag"! And no one has ever put me in my place like you just did! No one! You're the very first! You have broken the seal! You finnaly figured me out! Wow!
Yeah, because no one has ever called me a closet-gay before because I use words like "fag"! And no one has ever put me in my place like you just did! No one! You're the very first! You have broken the seal! You finnaly figured me out! Wow!

You're only proving your closet-gay status even more.
lol. hurt? it's hurtful to you to be called a band geek or a dork? you should not be on the internet if that's hurtful to you.

I didn't say it hurt me. But why try to hurt people?

Do you have kids? Because if you do, I don't see how you can do that.
The first time I got laid was by the front-end supervisor at the grocery store I sacked groceries at. That was a sweet deal, because, until I broke it off with her (she started talking marriage! She was 21 and I was 16), I didn't have to do any of the tough chores.
The first time I got laid was by the front-end supervisor at the grocery store I sacked groceries at. That was a sweet deal, because, until I broke it off with her (she started talking marriage! She was 21 and I was 16), I didn't have to do any of the tough chores.
And then she made your life a living, hell, right? :D