Mic Preamp under $1500


New member
Hey guys,

I'm looking to add another mic pre (under $1500) to my racks. I need a single channel solid state preamp as I already have an la610. For most vocals that I record (mostly female vocals) I find the la610 to sound very dark, thick and adds too much color as I'm using that with my Rode K2. I found the two together to sound quite muddy sometimes. I have to use lots of eq to make clean it up a little and still, it still sounds dark. I want something thats very clean and transparent and that will stand out from the mix.

I've been doing some research and reading people's comments about the Great River me-1nv and many said it's a pretty good and versatile pre. Along with the solid state pre, I plan to get a solid state mic as well. I haven't really looked into mics yet until I figure out which pre I want first. Feel free to comment or give recommendations on that as well. What would be a great match for solid state mic and preamp? I've looked at a few--->Shure SM7b, AKG 4050, 4060, Beyerdynamic M160? Any others I should consider?

Just an FYI, I plan to get an eq unit in the future as well since the eq section on the la610 is just not that great, and I hate plug-in eqs. I've recently looked into the Great River EQ-1NV. I thought it would be a great match with the ME-1NV (MEQ-1NV) if I decided to go that route. Any opinions on the two, or would I be better off with somethine else... like the Avalon 737 etc...? Should I go ahead and get the ME-1NV first and save for the EQ-1NV later or should I just save for the 737 or something else? I've heard many said that the 737 is overated. Can someone please define what "overated" is for me?

Thanks for taking the time to read. Hope to hear from you all soon.:)
With your budget, I would consider getting a lunchbox. Now is a great time to buy used, both the lunchbox and the pre to go in. You stated you are not enjoying the dark and thick sounds you are getting now, maybe consider the A-Designs P-1 as your first lunchbox pre. It is anything but dark and thick, plenty of gain, and a favorite of mine. The lunchbox will provide a much less expensive way to add different pre's with different flavors in the future as you expand, plus there are several lunchbox eq units that are nice.

The GR is a fantastic pre. If I had to have just one, it's the one I'd keep. With lunchboxes as cheap as they are, that might be a good route to go.
Thanks for the quick replies guys. But, what's a lunch box? Yeah, I know it's such a noobie question.:D I've heard people talking about them but never really paid attention to what a lunch box is. Am I missing something here? How much do they go for used/new? Can you give me a link?

A lunchbox has 2 parts. Something to supply power and hold the pre-amp of choice like this one with 6 slots for 6 pre-amps:


And a lunchbox version of a pre-amp like this:


The power supply is in the lunchbox, simply slide in the pre, compressor, or eq of your choice. Almost all the major companies make pre's that fit into the lunchbox, so you can mix and match and have a ball. Most all companies lunchbox pre's require a single slot, but the Great River requires 2 slots.

You mentioned Avalon, which IMHO, would be a great choice, but- you have the wrong preamp. The 737 is tube based, and has plenty of color. Avalon M5- pure Class A solid state, $1550 new, and fast talking will definitely get you to or under your pricepoint. I own the AD2022, which is basically 2 M5's. I often use it with NTK, which is a lot like the K2, and the combination rocks. A more noise-free pre would be hard to find- with all the headroom you can stand.-Richie
A lunchbox has 2 parts. Something to supply power and hold the pre-amp of choice like this one with 6 slots for 6 pre-amps:


And a lunchbox version of a pre-amp like this:


The power supply is in the lunchbox, simply slide in the pre, compressor, or eq of your choice. Almost all the major companies make pre's that fit into the lunchbox, so you can mix and match and have a ball. Most all companies lunchbox pre's require a single slot, but the Great River requires 2 slots.


Thanks for the links, Charlie. Now that answers one of my questions. I always wonder how you would rack those little units up:D

That seems like a very great idea if you want to expand your gears in the future but what if you only plan to have one or two of those little 500 series units (i.e. a pre and an eq), wouldn't the other empty slots be useless? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 500 series units vs the regular rack-mounted versions? Price? Quality differences?

Is there a difference between the Great River ME-1NV and the MP-500NV besides the price?

Are there any online samples of the A-Design P-1 vs other preamps I can listen to to help me narrow my choices?

I thought I was half way through with my research but then I realized it's only the beginning.:D Any others I should consider?

Thanks a bunch.:)
You mentioned Avalon, which IMHO, would be a great choice, but- you have the wrong preamp. The 737 is tube based, and has plenty of color. Avalon M5- pure Class A solid state, $1550 new, and fast talking will definitely get you to or under your pricepoint. I own the AD2022, which is basically 2 M5's. I often use it with NTK, which is a lot like the K2, and the combination rocks. A more noise-free pre would be hard to find- with all the headroom you can stand.-Richie

Hi Richard,

Thanks for pointing that out about the 737 being tube based. Well, I was just curious because a while back I went to an old friend's studio and he had the 737 and I thought it sounded quite transparent and clean. It sounded no where near tube compared to my la610. Could it be the K2 that's adding too much color to the 610 vs the solid state Blue's into the 737?

Also, I heard a few people saying that the 737 is both a clean and warm pre. Is that achieved from the eq section or the pre itself a clean one?
Not all tube preamps sound like a 610. Some are quite hifi - like Pendulum Audio and Avalon.

Having said that, the lunchbox route is definitely something to consider. The A-Designs P-1 is supposed to sound a bit different than the rack mount Pacific. Couldn't quite fit the same transformers in the small space. Very good nonetheless. I have 2 of them. Keep in mind that a lunchbox arrangement gives you some flexibility. You can also add a compressor as well as other components to the box. Right now, a lunchbox and GR NV-500 module would probably cost you the same or even less than the single channel rack mount. The GR does use the same transformers (that's why it takes up 2 slots). Then you can add other modules once you have the lunch box. The used market has really picked up for 500 series modules now that lots of manufacturers have jumped in. And, of course, you will find that just having one of something isn't really enough:D
If you're buying a mic and a pre... buy the mic first... give it some time, then decide on a new pre based on the sound of your second mic pre combo... you might be looking for a different sound at that point...
Not all tube preamps sound like a 610. Some are quite hifi - like Pendulum Audio and Avalon.

Having said that, the lunchbox route is definitely something to consider. The A-Designs P-1 is supposed to sound a bit different than the rack mount Pacific. Couldn't quite fit the same transformers in the small space. Very good nonetheless. I have 2 of them. Keep in mind that a lunchbox arrangement gives you some flexibility. You can also add a compressor as well as other components to the box. Right now, a lunchbox and GR NV-500 module would probably cost you the same or even less than the single channel rack mount. The GR does use the same transformers (that's why it takes up 2 slots). Then you can add other modules once you have the lunch box. The used market has really picked up for 500 series modules now that lots of manufacturers have jumped in. And, of course, you will find that just having one of something isn't really enough:D

Nicely said it all in short, Pohaku. Is the GR MP500-NV the same quality as the ME-1NV? Where can I find used 500 series modules? Ebay?
If you're buying a mic and a pre... buy the mic first... give it some time, then decide on a new pre based on the sound of your second mic pre combo... you might be looking for a different sound at that point...

What other mics should I look into? I like something that's clean and transparent as my K2 already has too much color.
I have had great success buying higher end used gear at GS. There is a lot of high end over there. To give you an idea, used P-1's can go around $500-$550 and the A-Designs 2 space rack usually sells around $225, but I would go for a rack that holds at least 6. You do not need them now, but believe me, you will want more.
I have had great success buying higher end used gear at GS. There is a lot of high end over there. To give you an idea, used P-1's can go around $500-$550 and the A-Designs 2 space rack usually sells around $225, but I would go for a rack that holds at least 6. You do not need them now, but believe me, you will want more.

Oh man, this is so tempting. I've been looking at the P-1 but found a used A-Design EM-Gold 500 series and I just don't know how to decide cause I need to listen to it first or try it out myself before I buy. Its $550. This is really bothering me. :mad:Please tell me the P-1 or EM-Gold is what I need?:p:D Tell me why is it good for my situation? I've been on the computer and online all day doing researches. I don't want to make another wrong purchase as I've already made a few in the past. :o

Can I use the P-1 or EM-Gold without the power supply? What is the difference between the P-1 and EM-Gold anyways?
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The earlier link from A-Designs I listed describes the character and sound of all their 500 series pre's. Most people getting only 1 from A-Designs prefer the P-1, by far their most popular. And you must have the lunchbox rack, that is where the power supply is. Here is a 6 slot lunchbox new for not too many $$. Scroll down the page.

I'd try an AT 4047. It's fairly transparent... without being too sterile

I've read that the 4047 adds color??? How does it work with tube preamps such as the la610?:) I don't want another colorful sound.

The earlier link from A-Designs I listed describes the character and sound of all their 500 series pre's. Most people getting only 1 from A-Designs prefer the P-1, by far their most popular. And you must have the lunchbox rack, that is where the power supply is. Here is a 6 slot lunchbox new for not too many $$. Scroll down the page.


I did a quick research and discovered that the Gold is to add a little color to their other pres that are lacking warmth....?

Thanks for such fast replies.:D
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I'll second the GS board for used gear purchases. I've bought a lot of stuff from folks there. I use e-bay as well, but GS is less risky IMHO. Do the usual due diligence.

I understand that the GR MP500-NV is the same as the rack mount unit. Mercenary sells all of them so you can check them out there.

Used modules and lunch boxes show up on GS pretty regularly now. I've bought three lunchboxes there. Bought 1 P-1 there. Bought another from A-Designs when they introduced them, but it was a special through the GS board on Thanksgiving a couple years ago. Bought an A-Designs Red that way too. Liked the P-1 better than the Red which sounded too much like the 2 API 512c modules I bought (used as well), so I traded it for a Purple Audio Biz (which is a great pre, especially for electric guitar). Bought 2 API 550B EQ units and one API 525 compressor off the GS board as well. Mulling over adding an Avedis pre or two and another API 525.

If I was starting over. I'd get a 6 slot lunch box - API or Averil - and consider the GR module, the P-1 module, the API module (512c) and the Avedis module. All are very high quality pres, show up used fairly regularly these days, and will cover a wide range of uses. You are unlikely to want to sell any of these once you get to know them. You will probably want to get another to have a pair for stereo tracking. :D
I'll second the GS board for used gear purchases. I've bought a lot of stuff from folks there. I use e-bay as well, but GS is less risky IMHO. Do the usual due diligence.

I understand that the GR MP500-NV is the same as the rack mount unit. Mercenary sells all of them so you can check them out there.

Used modules and lunch boxes show up on GS pretty regularly now. I've bought three lunchboxes there. Bought 1 P-1 there. Bought another from A-Designs when they introduced them, but it was a special through the GS board on Thanksgiving a couple years ago. Bought an A-Designs Red that way too. Liked the P-1 better than the Red which sounded too much like the 2 API 512c modules I bought (used as well), so I traded it for a Purple Audio Biz (which is a great pre, especially for electric guitar). Bought 2 API 550B EQ units and one API 525 compressor off the GS board as well. Mulling over adding an Avedis pre or two and another API 525.

If I was starting over. I'd get a 6 slot lunch box - API or Averil - and consider the GR module, the P-1 module, the API module (512c) and the Avedis module. All are very high quality pres, show up used fairly regularly these days, and will cover a wide range of uses. You are unlikely to want to sell any of these once you get to know them. You will probably want to get another to have a pair for stereo tracking. :D

Where in the GS board do you find gears for sale? I checked but couldn't find where it is.

I've never used the API 512 before but kept hearing people talk about them, are they really that great?:) What are they so great on? How do the GR MP-500NV and 512 compare? Any famous tracks online I can listen to that uses the 512? I will mainly use it on female vocals, which would I benifit most from?
Where in the GS board do you find gears for sale? I checked but couldn't find where it is.

I've never used the API 512 before but kept hearing people talk about them, are they really that great?:) What are they so great on? How do the GR MP-500NV and 512 compare? Any famous tracks online I can listen to that uses the 512? I will mainly use it on female vocals, which would I benifit most from?

You have to register. Only registered board members have access to the classifieds. It's free.

The API 512 pres and prior versions have been used in lots of API consoles for many years (since the 60s). You've heard lots of music that has used these pres but probably not known it.

They tend to be punchy and a bit mid forward. Great all around pres, but especially used for guitars and drums. I have no problem using them for vocals. Remember, lots of hit records were made using just console pres - which in many cases were just API pres as the console was API.

Here's a GS thread discussing relative merits of the Avedis and API pres. Since API has been in the 500 form market the longest of any manufacturer, there are lots more used API modules around than anyone else's. I paid $600 each for my 512c pres used and they were in pristine condition.


Here's a url from API with some current users:

You might also check out this site which has comparative clips from a host of preamps:

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