Musicians with full-time jobs..How do you manage everything?

Hi Lazuray. First job, get a health check. I found out about 6 months ago that I had been anaemic for 4 years! I am now on Iron and Vitamin D tablets and feel a bit more energetic. An otherwise very fit chap in his 50s at one of my workplaces found out he was type ll diabetic! I trust you don't have either of those problems. Had your eyes checked recently? Failing minces bugger your brain.

"I try to relax after work" Does that include alcohol? I am the last one to preach but the booze is best left to high days and holidays. Nice to sit around with friends with a bottle of Plonk de jour but much better for the old energy levels to go for a good walk.

In short it is a lifestyle matter, like your money, you have to sort your 'energy' priorities. Of course, age has a bearing, at 71 I often wonder HTF I did even the 20 hrs a week job I had 4 years ago!

Good advice. Health is so important. I don't know how people make it without vitamins, I guess u don't notice until after u start taking them then you're like '' oh, THIS is how I'm supposed to feel''
Thought I would give an update of last 2 weeks of work, remember I work 7am to 3pm Monday to Friday in the day job:

Starting Monday 23rd, 6pm to 9pm Present Radio show.
Tues: Night off, YES!
Wed: Live sound at venue arrive 6pm finish midnight.
Thurs: Studio 4pm to 9pm (this series of sessions is a kids talent school, 100's of kids coming through in groups).
Fri: Studio 4pm to 11pm.
Sat: studio 10am to 3.30pm, drive to venue and do live sound for 5 bands setup sound check from 4pm, finish at 1am (Sun)
Sun: studio 10am to 6pm
Mon: Radio show
Tue: Prepare PA equipment for a corporate show on Thursday
Wed: Live sound at venue arrive 6pm finish midnight.
Thurs: Took day off from day job (understanding boss) to do a PA for a charity (no pay) presentation, load up at 9am, at venue 9.30am to 11pm, sound checks run throughs, show, pack up (saved the charity which I am part off almost AU$900 in hire).
Fri: Night off, YES!
Sat: set up PA and play gig 4pm to 11pm
Sun: play Café duo gig noon to 2pm

And so it rolls. How do I do this at 60yo, rest when you can, nano nap on couch if I have a spare hour. I take vitamin D, reasonable diet, coffee :), no drugs now been there done that :facepalm:, try not to stress out.

Allow time to set up in a relaxed way I see too many musicians running late and full of stress, enjoy what you do. I even have a few Sundays coming up where I have 2 gigs with 2 different bands on the same day.

OH and you need an understanding wife.

Good advice. Health is so important. I don't know how people make it without vitamins, I guess u don't notice until after u start taking them then you're like '' oh, THIS is how I'm supposed to feel''

I would not advise anyone to take 'vitamins' without first seeking medical advice, a BT at least. Otherwise you are probably just fooling yourself and making very expensive pee.

Iron is not strictly a vitamin and is NOT safe to just chuck down. Young children especially can be poisoned. It also has side effects, one being a degree of 'nuclear' activity in the lower bowel!

My diet has been much the same for decades. For meat mostly chicken, bit of beef and pork, not much potato, lot of broccoli, beans,peas. fish, salmon once a week'ish. Chippy LESS than once a week. Lot of fruit, mostly oranges, grapes. love cheese but try to limit intake. Coffee, Red Bull (too many!) FAR too much sweet stuff but no sign of the dreaded D word yet. No alcohol. Not a saint, not sensible with it. Doc said pack it in or die.

I would not advise anyone to take 'vitamins' without first seeking medical advice, a BT at least. Otherwise you are probably just fooling yourself and making very expensive pee.

Iron is not strictly a vitamin and is NOT safe to just chuck down. Young children especially can be poisoned. It also has side effects, one being a degree of 'nuclear' activity in the lower bowel!

My diet has been much the same for decades. For meat mostly chicken, bit of beef and pork, not much potato, lot of broccoli, beans,peas. fish, salmon once a week'ish. Chippy LESS than once a week. Lot of fruit, mostly oranges, grapes. love cheese but try to limit intake. Coffee, Red Bull (too many!) FAR too much sweet stuff but no sign of the dreaded D word yet. No alcohol. Not a saint, not sensible with it. Doc said pack it in or die.


Yes some vitamins are not necessary my doc put me on vitamin D as I am always working inside lol. This is after a checkup and blood tests

yeah its all my doctors say the past few years "take vitamin right and exercise".... I start wondering about it all. I mean every year the same song?

they have some nurse draw my blood and the machines kicks back all the data and numbers.
then I get a email with a list of numbers and ranges to tell me if Im high or low or normal, standard stuff, no Doctor notes or anything personal.
a robot could do this? ok...need a nurse to draw the blood. how much would (should) that cost?

Bottom line is "eat right, exercise, and take Vitamin D".....not necessarily in that order...but I get it.

Cancer and Diabetes becomes the focus and the pecker stops working or gets tired and lazy so you take viagra, and your hair falls out so try rogaine....

but if you take viagra and rogaine at the same time you get hair like Don King...


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