Where to Start...


Hello All,

I have a largish (smallish perhaps...) unfinished space that I intend to convert into a recording studio. The space is essentially 20' x 20' with a sloped ceiling height between 10-15'. The ceiling height is fluid at the moment though so really, whatever height is needed can be built.

My goals for the space:

1.) A minimum of two 'rooms'. One for the artist/talent and one for the control room.

2.) The largest space possible for the 'live room' with the possibility of the space doing double duty as perhaps a living room or occasional spare bedroom.

I have no noise concerns to worry about as the space will be basically separated from the house and I have no near neighbors. The studio will be built on an existing concrete pad.

For such a small space I know having two rooms is a lot to ask. I've been trying to break the room up but I'm mentally stuck with a longish control room that doesn't easily fit into the 'ideal room dimension ratios'.

Am I heading down the wrong road and doomed to failure? Any ideas?

get out a pen and paper and try to work this out lol, its kinda hard to explain but if i was in your shoes,

I'd draw the room so 20 x 20,

draw a square in the corner (10 x 10)now on this square come in about 6 ft, towards the center of the room on each side, connect the wall there so you have a 5 sided room, make this your control, try to maybe swap the numbers a bit to kill parallels and potential standing waves, plenty of acoustic treatment and tune the room till its just right, use the big room as "Many" rooms, have one area thats high ceilinged and use that for your drum or piano or stings area, have another side that more absorbant and then put a booth in for amps or vocals :)
Thanks for the quick reply :)

I'm going to need some graph paper to wrap my mind around what you said... I'll give that a try though. If nothing else it may prove to be enough to break my mind free of what its stuck on :)

Glad to see you have a Tascam M3500.. sad to see it's not setup yet though. I have a 32 channel M3700 with the full bridge that will be the center piece of my build.

Ah i'm just waiting on cables to come from england, I have it half set up its just a pain waiting :P

and no reply its just a quick idea but think outside the box and don't forget to try to avoid a square as your final shape in any room, experiment with materials maybe a stone wall for brass or something you can go proper nuts, and if you're feeling flush why not go the whole hog and build a plate reverb?

Anyway I'd love to see pics of the build :)